
TCP Bachelor

You can access the preliminary course program [in German] for the winter semester 2024/2025 by clicking on the picture above or here to start the download.

You may find the course information on alma starting on August 19, 2024.

Course registration periods on alma

1st Registration period: 2. Sept. 2024 - 23. Sept. 2024 (all courses)
2nd Registration period for remaining places: 14. Oct. 2024 - 21. Oct. 2024 (for courses starting from November 4, 2024)
3rd  Registration period for remaining places: 18. Nov. 2024 - 25. Nov. 2024 (for courses starting from December 6, 2024)

You can view your registration status in alma one week after the end of the registration period.

Registration period for exams on alma:

14. Oct. 2024 - 23. Feb. 2025
Please note that if you have not registered for the exam, you will not receive credit points. Make sure to check if you have registered properly once you have been admitted to a course.

For more details on the (de-) registration, placement and certificate allocation, please have a look at the information below.

All about registration

How do I register for a course?

If not otherwise specified, registration is only possible online via alma. Please refer to the information box above for registration deadlines.
There is a central first registration period for all places and a later second registration deadline for remaining places.
Please note in alma:

  • The courses of the TCP Bachelor are listed under the main topics Liberal Education and Transferrable Skills for orientation. For the binding registration, please go to the lowest tab "Event allocation TCP Bachelor" [Veranstaltungsbelegung TCP Bachelor] and select the relevant courses.You may register for 5 courses per semester. However, you will only be admitted to 3 courses (max.).
  • The courses under the topic Career Service are exempt from this rule. Here you can register for more than 3 courses

Important: Starting in the summer semester 2022, you will have to register for the achievements on alma in addition to the course registration.


Problems registering for a course?

For some study programs, you may encounter problems if you want to register for courses of the TCP Bachelor and Studium Oecologicum. This is because our course program on alma is not yet linked to all study programs. In this case, please directly contact our participation administration office via kursanmeldungspam prevention@tracs.uni-tuebingen.de.

Of course, you can still attend our courses and receive your credit points for them.

How do I register for an non-assessed coursework?

As of the summer semester 2022, you will have to register for the exam/non-assessed coursework on alma in addition to the course registration. Otherwise, the credit points you earned will not appear on your transcript. Registration is only possible during the above-noted period.

In order to register for exams, you need to go to your „Planner of Studies with Module Plan“ on the alma portal. The successful completion of a course will be put on record electronically in the alma system. Please check immediately if you still have to register for your non-assessed coursework after you have been admitted to a course.

Please note: During the registration you will possibly find different options. You may choose any of those element types, but you can use each one only once.

The registration for non-assessed coursework is possible for bachelor and master students only during the registration period. Students in the B.Sc. Biology, state examination students and PhD students cannot register for exams on alma yet, in that case please send us an email.

A detailed description of how to register for your non-assessed coursework on alma can be found here.

Should you still have problems registering, please contact the central examinations office.

Place allocation

The time of registration is not relevant for the allocation of places. Places are allocated on alma after the end of the registration period on a random basis in combination with the following criteria: Study regulations of your subject (e.g.: mandatory module transdisciplinary competencies or "key qualifications") and number of subject-related semesters (higher semesters are usually prioritized). You can be admitted to a maximum of three courses per semester.

Please note that places will be automatically allocated on alma. Unfortunately, conflicting schedules of different courses will not be considered during this process.
The following codes will inform you about the status of your course registration on alma after the expiration of the registration period:

  • „ZU“ (zugelassen): Only with this status you have a place.
  • „angem.“ (angemeldet): This does not yet mean that you have been given a place in the course!
  • „AB“ (abgelehnt): You have not been given a place.

When will I be notified if I can attend a course?

Registered students can check for themselves in alma one week after the end of the enrollment period whether they are "admitted" [zugelassen] or only "rejected" [abgelehnt].

No emails will be sent.

How do I deregister?

During the registration period, you can cancel your registration for courses in alma if, for example, you have clicked the wrong button by mistake. After that, deregistrations are only possible in demonstrably urgent cases via email to kursanmeldungspam prevention@tracs.uni-tuebingen.de.

Please note that you will have to deregister for the corresponding exam separately.

How do I receive my user ID and password for alma?

The access data for alma will be sent to the address given to the student secretariat after enrollment. This letter contains your user ID at the computer center (ZDV) and the initial password.
The user name for alma corresponds to your user ID at the computer center (ZDV), which is also required for other services, such as student e-mail. It is not possible for you to change the user name.

When will the new course program be published?

The new course program for the lecture-free period and the lecture period will be announced approximately 4 weeks before the start of the 1st course. The program is published in the university's alma system, on our website (above) and in our printed program booklet.

How many credit points do I need?

Usually, Bachelor students need 21 credit points (out of 180) for a 3-year Bachelor's program. However, there are deviations in the individual examination regulations from this rule, which is anchored in the "Statute for the Acquisition of Transdisciplinary Professional Field-Oriented Competencies". The exact number of points can be found in your exam regulations.
The number of modules/courses you have to take therefore depends on the number of credit points that have to be proven according to the corresponding exam regulations in this area.
As a rule, a transdisciplinary competence module (or "key qualifications") in the Transdisciplinary Course Program and Career Service section comprises between 1 (30 working hours) and 3 credit points (90 working hours).

Are the courses graded?

The courses in the Transdisciplinary Course Program (TCP Bachelor) at the University of Tübingen are ungraded in general. This is regulated within the TCP Bachelor's statute. Some faculties or study programs require grading also for these courses. In these cases, you will receice a grade.

During the course

Which requirements do I have to fulfill in order to earn credit points?

The necessary requirements depend on the specific course. In any case, students are required to attend and actively participate in class. Additionally, there will be assignments like (short) presentations or term papers.

Do I have to deregister, when I am sick or otherwise unable to attend?

Yes, deregistrations must be send via e-mail to kursanmeldungspam prevention@tracs.uni-tuebingen.de. In case of deregistration on short notice due to sickness, we will need the medical note after 14 days at the latest.

After the Course

Where and when do I receive the certificate of attendance (Schein) of my course?

Starting in the summer semester 2022, you will have to register for the achievements on alma in addition to the course registration. That means for the majority of our courses, paper certificates will not be issued anymore. Instead the successful completion of a course will be put on record in the alma system. Please check immediately if you have to register for an exam after you have been admitted to a course. A detailed description of how to register for an achievement on alma can be found here.

For some courses, i.e. those you cannot register for on alma, certificates of attendance (Schein) will still be issued. Currently, the certificates will only be send via e-mail; this includes the certificates from past semesters.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or via e-mail (kursanmeldungspam prevention@tracs.uni-tuebingen.de).

How will my TCP courses appear on my Transcript?

How do my TCP courses appear on my transcript?

Report "Extracurricular Additional Achievements" for students  

If you have completed a course, this will appear under the report "Extracurricular Additional Achievements" (or Außerfachliche Zusatzleistungen as shown on alma). You can print out the report, which also contains the TRACS courses, in both German and English. Just like the Transcript of Records (ToR), this can be found under the "Achievements" menu item.  


You must take action here!

For the correct recording of your achievements on your ToR, please contact your responsible examination office towards the end of your studies. 

You can find your contact person on the website of the Central Examination Office under the respective subject areas.  

Instructions on how to find and download the report "Extracurricular additional achievements" or your transcript of records can be found on the ZDV website.




You will have to get active!

Please contact the Central Examinations Office after the semester ends for the correct crediting of your TCP courses on your transcript of records.

Make sure that you have earned the required number of credit points in the Transdisciplinary Competencies by the time you enter your second-last semester.

You can find the person in charge of your field of study on the website of the Central Examinations Office under the corresponding subsection.

How can I give feedback?

All courses are regularly evaluated. The anonymous evaluation forms will then be analyzed by the TCP Bachelor with the help of the Center for Evaluation and Quality Management (ZEQ). In addition, we are happy to receive your praise and criticism by e-mail.

What is creditable?

Can I have credit points recognized for course requirements, which I did not fulfill at the University of Tübingen?

In general you can, if they meet certain verifiable preconditions. In this case, please come in for consultation and also bring certificates, descriptions or similar documents with you, which may serve as verification.

Which courses of which university body can be recognized as part of the transdisciplinary competencies?

Designated courses from various providers are part of the overall Transdisciplinary Course Program Bachelor program at the University of Tübingen. Please find more information on our website on these courses.

What do I have to do to receive credit points for attending a Studium Generale lecture series?

Please fill in your personal data in the certificate of attendance. Then, please let the individual lecturer verify your attendance for each session by signing the document. At least 80% of the lecture series must be attended (e.g. 10 out of 12 sessions). Except, if a series consists of 10 sessions, 9 need to be attended. In the last session of a Studium Generale lecture series, the certificate of attendance will be stamped by the lecturer. Alternatively, you can submit the certificate for stamping in the office for participation administration of the Transdisciplinary Course Program Bachelor.

How many credit points can I receive within the transdisciplinary competencies by attending Studium generale lectures?

Upto 3 lectures á 1 credit points (i.e. 3 CP max.) can be credited within the transdisciplinary competencies.

Who can participate?

Do I have be enrolled in order to participate in a course?

In general: yes. Only students (incl. doctoral students) of the University of Tübingen can participate in courses of the Transdisciplinary Course Program.

Do I have to study in a Bachelor's program in order to attend a course?

Also students from other degrees may participate in the Transdisciplinary Course Program Bachelor (TCP Bachelor) courses. There are additional separate courses for student teachers/state examination students. Our program in the TCP Bachelor is aimed at all students and graduates of the university - just like the offers for internships, applications, counseling and jobs.
The registrations of students, who have to complete courses within the mandatory module of transdisciplinary competencies (also known as "key competencies"), e.g. Bachelor students, will be prioritized in case of a high demand in courses.