
How are tuition fees levied?

Legal basis

The information below is intended to outline the relevant law and the related procedures; the sole legally binding document is the Landeshochschulgebührengesetz des Landes Baden-Württemberg.

Forms and applications 

When do you receive the notification of tuition fees?

When do you have to pay the tuition fee?

Recipient: Universitätskasse Tübingen
Bank: Baden-Württembergische Bank AG
IBAN: DE29 6005 0101 7477 5036 21


Please enter your student ID number as the purpose of payment. Nothing else. Thank you!

Do international students who take up a second degree pay twice?

No. International students pay a maximum tuition fee of 1.500 euros per semester. If there is an exception or exemption from the tuition fee of 1.500 euros per semester, then international students who take up a second degree must pay the tuition fee for a second degree, i.e. 650 euro per semester. Please note that there are also exceptions and exemptions from the tuition fee for a second degree. 

How can you get an exception or exemption from the tuition fee?

In which cases may the tuition fee be refunded?

Who can you contact in case of questions?

Tuition Fee Office
+49 7071 29-76831
studiengebuehrenspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de

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