
Podcasts at the University of Tübingen

Podcasts by research units and University members

A variety of podcasts and audio reports are created at the University of Tübingen. AI researchers talk about the influence of artificial intelligence on our everyday lives, historians about social change from the Middle Ages to the present day, and in the podcast from the academic advisory service, prospective students learn first-hand what awaits them in various degree programs.

Threatened Orders - Thinking differently about crises

The podcast "Threatened Orders" deals with the perceived and real problems of societies. What threatens us? What do we need? Who are we and what are we doing? In a conversation with researchers from the University of Tübingen, moderator Pia Fruth gets to the bottom of these and other questions.

To podcast (in German)

Direct connection – The Cyber Valley podcast

We provide clarity about what AI scientists are researching. We also present what AI cannot (yet) do, and what the current challenges in research and development are. Our guests do not talk about unrealistic visions of the future, but about the real questions that arise in their research. But most importantly: In our podcast, society has its say. We ask people from the region for their perspective on the complex topic of AI.

To podcast  (in German)

Excellently explained – Cutting-edge research for all

57 clusters of excellence - one podcast: "Excellent Explained" regularly reports from one of the research groups funded under the German government’s Excellence Strategy. All the clusters of excellence share a common motivation: they address important topics of our time, work on unusual questions and conduct research for the society of tomorrow.

To podcast (in German)

Ready for university. The Tübingen podcast on study choices

The podcast "hochschulreif" (ready for university) by the academic advisory service helps students in their choice of studies. In each episode, a different subject is presented. This gives interested students an initial insight into the most important content of the subject, the personal requirements for studying and possible career prospects.

To podcast (in German)

Capsule Toss - Podcast on translation as a ubiquitous social phenomenon

In this podcast, four young researchers talk about translation and the challenges that can arise - including the sometimes funny, sometimes bizarre results. What challenges, what difficulties or problems can arise when translating? When is a translation "good", and when is it not? 

To podcast (in German)

Key To My Research – Science Podcast of the Excellence Strategy at the University of Tübingen

In this podcast, the focus is on the fascinating cutting-edge research at the University of Tübingen - always with a spotlight on people behind the research.  Each episode offers exciting perspectives on current research projects - from new therapeutic approaches in neuro-oncology to the investigation of cultural effects of artificial intelligence.

To Podcast

Let’s Talk About Women

In this podcast, researchers from the International Research Training Group (IRTG) 2804 "Women's Mental Health Across the Reproductive Years" provide insights into interdisciplinary research on women's mental health and talk to experts from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, biology and medicine. In addition, the podcast will also take a look at doctoral projects to provide insight into current research.

To podcast

LUI Podcast

The Ludwig Uhland Institute for Historical and Cultural Anthropology podcast is dedicated to research topics and people that make up the Ludwig Uhland Institute. The first season focuses on the topic of technology in the context of cultural studies. In season two, LUI alumni of all generations recall their time at the Tübingen Institute and talk about "their" EKW.

To podcast (in German)

The nuts and bolts of qualitative research

In this podcast, Maja Urbanczyk talks with researchers from Tübingen about qualitative-interpretative research and the experiences of the guests. The focus is not so much on the actual research results, but on the research process - in other words, how qualitative social research works, what to look out for, and what can happen in the process.

To podcast (in German)

Richtig Beef – By the Global Ethics Institute

Richtig Beef is the podcast for arguments on an ethical level. In each episode, two people with different opinions on a topic meet and discuss it. The podcast is part of the Global Ethics Project and is produced at the Global Ethics Institute in Tübingen. The first season was created in the course of the campaign #ZeichengegenSpaltung of the Global Ethics Project.

To podcast (in German)

Podcasts by students and university groups

Tübingen University groups and students also produce podcasts. The campus radio station Micro-Europa puts on its own radio show every week. In the podcast "Gesprächsstoff," editors of the campus magazine Kupferblau talk about topics affecting students in Tübingen. And in "Visionen und O-Saft," students explore exciting stories and ideas from the region.

talk about it - the podcast for good communication in volunteering

The podcast "erzähl davon - der Podcast für gute Kommunikation im Ehrenamt" (talk about it - the podcast for good communication in volunteering) features people who are involved in very different areas. They talk about current challenges in their work, share their valuable knowledge and give helpful tips for voluntary association work. Each episode focuses on a particular aspect - for example, sponsorship, time management or press relations.

To podcast (in German)

Talking Points - A Kupferblau Podcast

The first podcast from the Tübingen campus magazine Kupferblau! Controversial, political, solution-oriented. Whether climate, housing, mobility or extremism, there are usually more than two sides to a topic. That's why affected people and experts have their say here. How do they explain their perspective? And what solutions can there be? The editors Anka, Ronja and Hagen provide facts, opinions and, above all, plenty of things to talk about.

To podcast (in German)

Confetti for the Ears

Lea Tautz and Kira Schneider, two Media Studies students, love to chat; and they have trouble making a decision, which is why this feel-good podcast is about all kinds of things. Whether on a long train ride, cooking, procrastinating, or just because: they've got confetti for your ears!

To podcast (in German)

Media stuff

Medienkram (Media stuff) is the podcast about podcasts. With various guests from the podcast scene, Elias Mohr talks about the phenomenon of podcasts and tries to clarify where the fascination for this medium comes from.

To podcast (in German)

Micro-Europa – Campusfunk der Universität Tübingen

Creative. Alert. Curious. The University of Tübingen Campus Radio puts on its own show every week. In this podcast, you can listen to some of these broadcasts, as well as the special: "Everyday Questions" - where the small questions of everyday life are resolved.

To pocast (in German)

PhD: The experience

In this podcast, PhD student Alexandra shares her journey through her doctorate. She invites like-minded people and colleagues from various disciplines and discusses topics such as self-organization, work-life balance, attending conferences, mental health, emotional availability and many more. 

To podcast

Schlossgeflüster aus Tübingen

The Museum of Ancient Cultures at Hohentübingen Castle is part of the MUT and thus of the University of Tübingen. The podcast "Schlossgeflüster aus Tübingen" was created as part of a practical seminar in the Master's profile "Museum and Collections". The student team's aim is to bring the objects in the museum closer to the visitors and to stimulate discussions about their contexts. Selected experts from the respective departments are invited to participate in discussions.

To podcast (in German)

Tübingen to go – Town guide for your ears

Students Sophie Kussmaul and Mareike Wiener roam Tübingen to answer the most important questions: Where are the best cafés and restaurants? Where are the most beautiful squares? How do I get to the University? And where can I find something to eat at 3 a.m.? All this and much more - every 2nd Saturday, to go.

To  podcast (in German)

Visions and orange juice – Dein Frühstücks-Podcast

How do we want society to be? What is occupying Tübingen today? Visionen & O-Saft is a podcast from a Media Studies student project at the University of Tübingen and explores exciting stories and ideas from the region. The editors of the 13th season welcome the day with trash talk, tomfoolery, bad jokes - sometimes together with exciting guests - to bring a little fun into our gray everyday life.

To podcast (in German)

From text to book - a literature podcast by Tübingen students

A text is created - be it a poem, a story, a novel. It is written, edited, published, sold and read. Sounds simple, doesn't it? But there is a long and rarely easy path between creation and reading that only sometimes leads to the goal. This podcast was created as part of the seminar "From Text to Book: Podcast and Podium" in winter semester 2020/21 at the University of Tübingen.

To podcast (in German)

When somebody shares something personal

Psychology takes place in everyday life, in communication with others and with ourselves. This podcast is about tools for successful communication.

To podcast (in German)

Yes You Can – Podcast for Rhetoric students searching for work/ an internship

Podcast series with tips and useful info for finding a job after studying public speaking.

To podcast (in German)


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