
Networks for Diversity, Equality and Family

The University of Tübingen is a member of a large number of networks and associations on the topics of diversity, gender and care. These include the national and state-wide support networks of audits and charters, which the University has joined, as well as the large umbrella organizations of equality and diversity activists in academia and networks on specific topics.

At an international level, we work on the topic of equity within the networks and partnerships that the University of Tübingen has entered into. The Equity team also cooperates at regional level in various networks and with various partner organizations.

Within the university, there are numerous committees, contact persons and working groups that promote the topics of diversity, gender and care.

Networking Opportunities for University Members

Certain target groups are supported through participation in university networks. The Network for Qualified Women with Children and the Student Parents' Forum enable young female academics and students with children to interact with each other. The Athene Forum (in planning) will be aimed at female professors and academics with permanent positions.

Family Networks on Campus

The exchange, networking and mutual support of people with family responsibilities is an important part of the reconciliation strategy at the University of Tübingen. Various networks for people with care responsibilities make this possible.

Student Parents' Forum

Student Parents' Forum is offered by the working group Familienfreundliche Hochschule des Studierendenrats Tübingen


Network for Women with Children (Qualification Phase)

The Family Office supports female doctoral candidates or postdoc women with children in networking with each other and promotes their exchange through Network-Meetings


International Cooperation and Networks at Federal and State Level

International Networks and Cooperations

The Equity team participates in working groups on diversity, gender and care within university networks and collaborations:

The University of Tübingen has joined forces with ten other European universities in the “CIVIS - Europe's Civic University Alliance”.

The University of Tübingen is a founding member of the Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities (The Guild). The Guild is an association of leading research universities in Europe that work together to promote European research policy.

German U15 is an association of fifteen leading, research-intensive universities with a rich tradition. They are among the most renowned and internationally visible institutions in the German science system.

Bundeskonferenz der Frauenbeauftragten (BuKoF)

The Federal Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities (bukof) is the gender policy voice in the discourse on science and higher education policy. The bukof brings together all those who shape the structure and culture of universities in Germany in a gender-equitable way. 


Network Diversity at Universities

The Diversity Office is a member of the Diversity at Universities Network. The network is a nationwide association of people who are entrusted with the implementation of tasks in the area of diversity and anti-discrimination at an operational and strategic level.


Familie in der Hochschule e.V. (FidH)

In May 2024, the University of Tübingen officially joined the “Familie in der Hochschule” association and signed the “Familie in der Hochschule” charter of the same name.


Network GenderConsulting

The GenderConsulting in Research Alliances network is an association of gender equality stakeholders involved in gender consulting and the development and implementation of gender equality measures for research alliances at universities.

Network Gender-Equality-Akteurinnender Exzellenz-Universitäten (GEx)

The GEx is an association of gender equality stakeholders who are involved in gender equality measures at Universities of Excellence. The Equal Opportunities Officer at the University of Tübingen has also been active in the GEx since 2014.

By contributing its expertise, the GEx sees itself as jointly responsible for the qualitative development of gender equality, family friendliness and diversity.

It is in productive exchange with important stakeholders in science policy concerned with excellence, for example from the German Council of Science and Humanities or the DFG.

Landeskonferenz der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten Baden-Württemberg (LaKoG)

In the LaKoG, equal opportunities officers exchange ideas and find support. The association offers joint programs for female scientists, but also serves as a mouthpiece for the Ministry of Science and state politics. 


State Conference for Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University

LaKof BW forms a network for mutual support and information on gender equality work at universities.



Network Mentoring Baden-Württemberg e.V.

The Netzwerk Mentoring Baden-Württemberg sees itself as an actor for networking and supporting gender and diversity-oriented mentoring measures in Baden-Württemberg. As a non-profit association, we promote the professionalization of mentoring measures and the qualification of mentoring managers.

Dual Career Solutions Network

The Dual Career Solutions Network develops solution models and perspectives for dual career couples in the science and business center of the Stuttgart region for better regional professional integration.


Further Networking via Audits and Charters

You can find the links to these networks via the page


Strategy (Schaltfläche)

University Networks, Committees and Self-Administration

Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Diversity

Within the University Executive Board, the Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Diversity is responsible for the area of equity.

Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Diversity 

Senate Commission on Equal Opportunities

The Senate Equal Opportunities Commission is responsible for the topics equity, diversity, gender equality and care.

The Senate Equal Opportunities Commission is an advisory commission of the Senate, which is made up of an equal number of members from the groups represented in the Senate. Its tasks include, in particular, monitoring the effectiveness of equality measures and developing proposals for updating them. It supports and advises the Equal Opportunities Officers of the University and the faculties and has the right to propose candidates to the Senate for the election of the University Equal Opportunities Officer and her deputies. The Senate Equal Opportunities Commission usually meets once or twice a semester under the direction of the University Equal Opportunities Officer. 

Current members of the SGK on the page of te Equal Opportunity Officer

Equality in the Faculties

The University of Tübingen is divided into seven faculties and the Center for Islamic Theology (ZITh). These faculties perform their research and teaching tasks largely autonomously within the framework of academic self-administration. Due to this autonomy, equal opportunities policy must also be institutionalized decentrally at faculty level.

To this end, each faculty has a Faculty Equal Opportunities Officer and, in some cases, Equal Opportunities Commissions and Institute Equal Opportunities Officers to support them.

Current equal opportunities officers on the page of the Equal Opportunity Officer 

Working Groups and regular Exchange

The working group “Contact point for victims of sexualized violence at the university” of the constituted student body of Tübingen is responsible for the establishment and organization of a contact point for victims of sexualized violence at the University of Tübingen, which is to offer referral advice. 

The AK “Gleichstellung” der Verfassten Studierendenschaft Tübingen deals with issues of equality, the reduction of disadvantages and the promotion of diversity in and at the university, the student body and the student council.AK Gleichstellung des Studierendenrats Tübingen (StuRa)

The AK Familienfreundliche Hochschule der Verfassten Studierendenschaft Tübingen supports the university's efforts to increase family friendliness and the compatibility of studying and having children.

Team Equity maintains a content-related exchange in the form of regular meetings with the Staff Council, the Department of Excellence, the Graduate Academy and the Student Counseling Service.

Team Equity  advises on the topics of diversity, gender equality and care in the Gesundheitsausschuss des Betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagement, in the meetings on Student Health Management (SGM), in the working group AG “Übergeordnete Maßnahmen zur psychischen Gefährdungsbeurteilung”  and in the Admissions Committee of the University of Tübingen. 

Non-University Networks and Cooperations in the Region of Tübingen


adis e.V. is a provider of professional anti-discrimination work in the Reutlingen/Tübingen region and a specialist center for discrimination in Baden-Württemberg.


The Equality and Integration Department of the City of Tübingen develops municipal strategies to reduce gender-based discrimination.

Action Alliance for Equality

Tübingen Women's Network: Network of equal opportunities organizations in Tübingen under the leadership of the Equal Opportunities and Integration Office of the University City of Tübingen

AGIT Frauen*Männer has been based at the associations Frauen helfen Frauen e.V. and Pfunzkerle e.V. since July 2015.

You can find links to advice centers via the page

Services (Link Schaltfläche)


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