
Welcome to the Staff Council

of the University of Tübingen

Activity Report

Read the staff council activity report for the time period from July 2022 to October 2023 here (login required for link to work).

Margrit Paal

 +49 7071 29-73410

Deputy Chairperson
Margit Meisel

+49 7071 29-77522
margit.meiselspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Member of the Executive Committee
Miriam Fecker

 +49 7071 29-73401
miriam.feckerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Member of the Executive Committee
Matthias Schramm

(Representative for the civil servants)

+49 7071 29-76881
matthias.schrammspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Our growing Frequently Asked Questions section aims to provide basic information. Do not hesitate to contact the staff council or individual staff council members directly if you have any unresolved questions or problems.