The staytreat is specially designed for academics in the qualification phase with care responsibilities, the focus is on mothers*. Guided by an experienced writing coach, you will get a week of intensive deep-work time to concentrate on your writing projects.
The constant balancing between academia and care regularly leads to the fact that one's own wishes and needs, but especially one's own writing projects, are pushed into the background, even if they are central to academic progress. The writing retreat therefore offers mothers* a space without the routines of everyday working life and external obligations.
With specific writing exercises geared towards your own text project and, above all, plenty of guided writing time using the Deep Work method, you can finally get your thoughts back into concentrated peace - and above all onto paper. There are mindful moments of silence and relaxation, but also exchange in an appreciative group.
Everyone can work intensively on their own writing projects and at the end of the week will be rewarded with tangible progress (written text) and go into the lecture-free period equipped with methods that allow them to implement a concentrated and continuous writing practice in the long term.
If you would like to participate, please register by 29.01.2025 at care@equity.uni-tuebingen.de. In your e-mail, please briefly state which qualification phase you are in and why you would like to attend this workshop.
English-speaking participants are also welcome; if required, the event can be held bilingually,
Date: 17.02.-21.02.2025, 9:00-13:00 as well as on two afternoons of your choice from 14:30-17:00
Where: Hegelbau, Wilhelmstr. 36, Room 101