
Press Releases - Archive


Karin Amos reelected Vice-President

Senate confirms the Vice-President for Academic Affairs for a further term of office to 2026

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Oops, did I do that – or is there someone else in my head?

Tübingen researchers describe connection between action and feeling of authorship - finding sheds…

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University of Tübingen takes over rotating CIVIS presidency

University President Karla Pollmann heads European university alliance for six months – Conference…

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300,000-Year-Old Snapshot: Oldest Human Footprints from Germany Found

Three fossil footprints of Homo heidelbergensis discovered among prehistoric elephant tracks at the…

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Toxicity of drugs released into waterways partly depends on acidity

University of Tübingen study leads to lowering of the EU environmental limit for the painkiller…

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Caves as Archives of the Past: New Leibniz ScienceCampus in Tübingen

The “GeoGenomic Archaeology Campus Tübingen (GACT)” investigates human impact on ecosystems by…

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Targeted computer modelling to accelerate antiviral drug development

Preparing for the next pandemic: Researchers from Tübingen use computer models to detect targets for…

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Research team uncovers further ceiling paintings in the temple of Esna

Complete representation of the zodiac - Cooperation between Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and…

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