
Press Releases - Archive


A Low-Calorie Diet Alters the Gut Microbiome and Delays Immune Aging

A calorie-reduced diet can not only delay the development of metabolic diseases, but also has a…

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The internal compass: a modular map in the brain

Neuroscientists at the University of Tübingen identify cortical modules in the mouse brain which…

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Degree program combines radiation sciences with artificial intelligence

New master’s profile in Germany: Tübingen’s Faculty of Medicine also trains students in artificial…

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New genus of ancient waterfowl discovered

Researchers find eleven million year old fossils found in southern Germany’s Hammerschmiede clay pit

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University of Tübingen suspends partnerships with Russia

Cooperation at the institutional level frozen - Russian students still welcome

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Turtle species in Eastern Europe survived the event that killed the dinosaurs

Freshwater turtle fossils shed light on the selectivity of mass extinctions, say Tübingen University…

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Solidarity with Ukraine

"We are horrified and deeply concerned about what is happening in Kyiv and the whole country”

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Microbes living under extreme conditions

University of Tübingen team finds parallels with Martian environment in investigation of Spain’s…

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