
Press Releases - Archive


Late Neanderthals used complex tool-making techniques

University of Tübingen team proves Middle Paleolithic humans in the Swabian Jura used experience and…

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First specific drug therapy for a severe early form of epilepsy

Medicine used to treat multiple sclerosis also helps in a rare form of genetic epilepsy - drug…

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Crocodile tours – fossil Caimans in North America

University of Tübingen researchers place Tsoabichi greenriverensis in the Caiman crocodile family…

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Oldest genome from Wallacea shows previously unknown ancient human relations

International research team isolates DNA from modern human buried 7,000 years ago on the Indonesian…

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Orangutans spontaneously use wooden hammers to crack nuts

University of Tübingen researchers show that orangutans do not need to be taught how to use a hammer

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Study tracks global death toll of COVID-19 pandemic

Using the World Mortality Dataset, the largest existing collection of mortality data, researchers of…

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Tübingen research team develops new strategy against sepsis

Acetate stimulates the body's immune defense – Severe bacterial infections alleviated in mice

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Stone tool tells the story of Neanderthal hunting

Museum of Prehistory in Blaubeuren presents the “Find of the Year”, a leaf point from the University…

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