
Press Releases - Archive


From harmless skin bacteria to dreaded pathogens

International, Tübingen-led research team discovers additional component in staphylococcal cell wall…

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Expanding deserts drove mammals out of Eurasia into Africa

University of Tübingen research team traces ten million years of climate history in the Arabian…

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University begins critical review of its name

Historians to prepare decision by University Senate

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Theologian Hans Küng dies aged 93

The University of Tübingen mourns world renowned Professor of ecumenical theology and critic of the…

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Neanderthal Ancestry Identifies Oldest Modern Human Genome

The fossil skull of a woman in Czechia has provided the oldest modern human genome yet…

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Analysis of ancient bones reveals Stone Age diet details

An Ice Age drove people to southern Europe 27,000 years ago - but not for the sea-food

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The egg in the X-ray beam

Research team of DESY and Universities of Tübingen and of Siegen examines network formation and…

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