
Press Releases - Archive


Environmental researchers are developing new biosensors for testing water

Biologists from the University of Tübingen have helped develop biosensors which can detect drugs in…

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Remaking the Vikings in our own image

Vikings have become new heroes for the modern age, says archaelogist from University of Tübingen SFB…

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A new way to inhibit inflammation

Tübingen immunologists identify enzyme regulator already targeted in cancer treatment

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New malaria vaccine effective in clinical trial

Tübingen researchers achieve protection of up to 100 percent using fully viable malaria parasites

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Zapping between Channels in the Retina

Investigating the biological basis of vision: Tübingen neuroscientists analyse the ‘division of…

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How plants protect their offspring from environmental risks

Biologists from the University of Tübingen have successfully demonstrated parental environmental…

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Tübingen Price for Ice Age Research goes to Denmark

University of Tübingen awards prize to Trine Kellberg Nielsen for her research into the colonization…

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Scientists decipher a mechanism in serious skin infections

Sugar polymers on the outer cell envelope of Staphylococcus aureus mean that the disease progresses…

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