
Press Releases - Archive


Tübingen Price for Ice Age Research goes to Denmark

University of Tübingen awards prize to Trine Kellberg Nielsen for her research into the colonization…

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Scientists decipher a mechanism in serious skin infections

Sugar polymers on the outer cell envelope of Staphylococcus aureus mean that the disease progresses…

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€1.6 m for German-Israeli biochemistry project

DFG sponsors Tübingen professor and international research team investigating mitochondrial…

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European soccer increasingly popular in the USA

Tübingen sports economists survey US citizens – international soccer telecasts are popular,…

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“Baby Talk“ in Marmoset Monkeys

Tübingen neuroscientists investigate the development of vocalisation in young monkeys

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1.2 million euros funding for new imaging technology in brain research

Professor Klaus Scheffler wants to test new methods in magnetic resonance imaging

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ERC Consolidator Grant for Katerina Harvati

Paleoanthropologist conducts research into early humans in South-East Europe ‒ funding of EUR 2…

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Neurorobotic hand exoskeleton restores grasp function to quadriplegics

Tübingen led researchers enable quadriplegics to eat and drink independently

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