
Press Releases - Archive


A New Window into the Brain

Tübingen neuroscientists lay important groundwork for non-invasive brain imaging

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Solidarity with Neuroscientist Professor Nikos

More than 2,000 scientists sign motion for solidarity by Professor Peter Thier

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Tübingen research fair TÜFFF on May 8

Laboratories open their doors and researchers demonstrate their amazing findings at the Morgenstelle…

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2015 Lucas Prize for Quranic scholar Angelika Neuwirth

University of Tübingen honors scientific research into the history of the Quran; Junior Researcher’s…

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Researcher at Tübingen University casts doubt on "sea peoples" theory

SFB 1070 ResourceCultures Ph.D. candidate honored for new findings in Biblical archaeology

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What 300,000 year old eggshells reveal about the environment of the Paleolithic

The nesting site of whooper swans on the banks of a former lake in Schoningen

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Humans have always come in different shapes and sizes

Tübingen researchers show that even our earliest ancestors varied in build

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Microbes use tiny magnets as batteries

Tübingen geomicrobiologists show that bacteria can use natural magnets found in soils and sediments…

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