
Press Releases - Archive


Tübingen researchers join major DFG biodiversity program

Three Tübingen projects contribute to better understanding links between land use, ecosystems…

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Universities bled dry – President calls day of protest

Tübingen: “Further cuts mean shutting down” – students to march in protest at state government…

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Die digitale Revolution

Einer der wichtigsten Medienmanager bei der Mediendozentur an der Universität Tübingen – Rede zur…

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Fast or slow? Interplay of rhythms makes brain centers communicate

Tübingen neuroscientists say differing rhythms coordinate the neural activity governing movement

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First Eurasians left Africa up to 130,000 years ago

Models tested by Tübingen paleoanthropologists push back the date of first Homo sapiens migration…

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2014 Lucas Prize for Judaic Studies expert

Professor Peter Schäfer to be honored for his contribution to a greater understanding of early…

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University Senate confirms new Vice-President of Research

Geoscientist Peter Grathwohl to focus on excellence of research

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Humans and saber toothed tiger met at Schöningen 300.000 years ago

Fossil remains show man and big cat lived side by side in Germany

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