
Press Releases - Archive


Research team uncovers further ceiling paintings in the temple of Esna

Complete representation of the zodiac - Cooperation between Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and…

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Watching atherosclerosis as it develops

A new method that can visualize diseased blood vessels may help researchers better understand heart…

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University of Tübingen establishes research center examining extremism on the right

Researchers to analyze the attitudes, lives and communication of extremists - Close cooperation with…

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Ice Age Survivors

Large-scale genomic analysis documents the migrations of Ice Age hunter-gatherers over a period of…

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Judaic Studies expert Peter Ochs to receive Lucas Prize

Co-founder of interpretation through dialogue draws religions into conversation ‒ Junior Award goes…

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Hertie Foundation establishes new institute combining artificial intelligence and neuroscience

Hertie Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Brain Health (Hertie AI) in Tübingen

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The chemistry of mummification – Traces of a global network

Researchers from Munich and Tübingen are unvailing the secrets of ancient Egyptian embalming.…

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Genetic data from the Altai 7,500 years ago indicate high mobility of ancient hunter-gatherers

International research team says highly connected gene pools over vast distances suggest migrations…

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