
Press Releases


University Senate confirms new Vice-President of Research

Geoscientist Peter Grathwohl to focus on excellence of research

The University of Tübingen Senate has confirmed geoscientist Professor Peter Grathwohl as the University’s new Vice-President of Research as of 1 October, when physicist Professor Herbert Müther retires from the post.

Grathwohl (55) has been a Professor of Hydrogeochemistry in Tübingen since 1996. His scientific work has focused on soils and water; he is the spokesman for the research cluster Water Earth System Science (WESS) and for the University’s Environmental Systems Analysis research platform, initiated as part of the Excellence Initiative.

Vice-Presidents are elected for six years. “The coming six years will be very important for the University,” says Grathwohl. “I see it as my task to continue to strengthen our position as a University of Excellence, to promote internationalization, and further improve our collaboration with independent research institutions.”

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
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