The Competence Center for Sustainable Development (KNE) is a university-wide networking platform that brings together various activities and stakeholders at the University of Tübingen in the field of sustainable development. The aim is to implement sustainable development more broadly at the university and promote a “culture of sustainability” in everyday university life. The areas of teaching, research, operations, transfer and governance will be given equal consideration (“whole institution approach”).
The KNE also cooperates with the Advisory Board for Sustainable Development.
The KNE team consists of academic staff as well as student and research assistants.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Potthast is head of the KNE. Kerstin Schopp and Dr. Luzia Sievi are coordinators and managing directors of the KNE. Maike Weynand and Carina Betz sind are research assistants. Olga Beroth and Arno Schmidt are research assistants and help with the organization of the Studium Oecologicum and the RettIch-Regal. Celine Wagner is also a research assistant and is responsible for social media, the RettIch-Regal and public relations. Lydia Solomon und Eilan Ulmer and Eilan Ulmer support us as student assistants in the organization of events and in the KuNaH research project.
If you have any questions, ideas or feedback, please contact us at the following e-mail address:
Click here for the contact details of our employees.