
Barriers to enrolment

Pursuant to § 60 (2) of the Higher Education Act (§ 60 Abs. 2 Landeshochschulgesetz), enrollment is to be denied if, among other things, an examination required by the examination regulations in the same course of study has not been passed or the right to take the examination no longer exists for other reasons; it may be determined by the statutes of the university that this also applies to related courses of study with essentially the same content; for sections of study prior to the preliminary or intermediate examination, a corresponding comparability of the courses of study in this section is sufficient.

Related courses of study with essentially the same content are in particular:

  • Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Media Informatics, Medical Informatics, Cognitive Science (each B.Sc., M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Ed.)
  • Geosciences, Geoecology and Environmental sciences (B.Sc)

If you are not sure whether you are still entitled to take an examination in the desired course of study, please contact the relevant course guidance office (Studienfachberatung) at the University of Tübingen.