
RDM Course for PhD Students

Research data management (RDM) is an essential part of scientific work, already during the doctoral stage.
Therefore, the university is offering a course on RDM which is especially designed for PhD students and is accessible at any time. The course is complemented by regularly held in-person lectures.

free of charge

over 2 h in total interactive video learning units

four modules:
1. Interdisciplinary RDM Basics
2. RDM for Humanities & Social Sciences
3. RDM for Natural Sciences
4. RDM for Life Sciences

Certificate of Attendance ( when attending a complementary in-person lecture)

in English

available online on ILIAS at any time

additional in-person lectures

Course Structure

As self-learning format, the course is accessible via the ILIAS learning platform at any time:

Self-Learning Format

Target Group
all PhD students at the University of Tübingen



Go to ILIAS  



Complementary in-person lectures will be held regularly, dates and registration details will be published on this website:

Course Dates Lectures

Module 1
13th February

2:00 pm st, Zoom

Module 2
18th February

10:00 am st, Zoom

Module 3
19th February

10:00 am st, Zoom

Module 4
25th February

2:00 pm st, Zoom

Registration Lectures

Target Group: all PhD students at the University of Tübingen
Platform: Zoom or in person
Language: English

Registration Deadline: 9th February 2025


 Register here   


The linked registration form leads to the third-party provider eveeno; information on the use of your data can be found in the participant statement.

Please note:

The in-person lectures are also part of the Graduate Academy's DocDays 2025.

Further information on other events: DocDays2025



For individual questions and counseling, the lecturers of the modules can be contacted directly:

For Questions

Module 1 (Basics)
write email

Module 2 (Humanities & Social Sciences)
write email

Module 3 (Natural Sciences)
write email

Module 4 (Life Sciences)
contact form

Course Content

Module Descriptions


ModuleLecturer                                                                                                                                                                   In-person lecture      

1   Interdisciplinary RDM Basics

What's RDM and structures at the university

This module provides first insights into the basic definition of research data management (RDM), structures and support services at the university on the topic as well as best practices.

Jennifer Esslinger



2   RDM for Humanities & Social Sciences

 Discipline-specific information about RDM

This subject-specific module is designed for researchers in the humanities and social sciences. Important knowledge in the field of research data management is pointed out and explained specifically for associated disciplines.

Dr. Michael Derntl

Dr. Steve Kaminski

Prof. Dr. Augustin Kelava

Dr. Thorsten Trippel


3   RDM for Natural Sciences

Discipline-specific information about RDM

This subject-specific module is designed for researchers in the natural sciences. Important knowledge in the field of research data management is pointed out and explained specifically for associated disciplines.

Dr. Stefan Fischertbd

4   RDM for Life Sciences

Discipline-specific information about RDM

This subject-specific module is designed for researchers in the life sciences. Important knowledge in the field of research data management is pointed out and explained specifically for associated disciplines.

Sven Fillingertbd



- In alphabetical order -

Dr. Michael Derntl Module 2
Head of Core Facility Digital Humanities Center
& Dr. Eberle Zentrum für Digitale Kompetenzen

+49 7071 29-73628

Dr. Stefan Fischer Module 3
Head of Core Facility
Tübingen Structural Microscopy (TSM)

+49 7071 29-78929

Dr. Steve Kaminski Module 2
Research Data Manager
Core Facility Digital Humanities Center

+49 7071 29-77848

Dr. Thorsten Trippel Module 2
Coordination team NFDI consortium Text+
Department of General and Computational Linguistics

+49 7071 29-77352

Jennifer Esslinger Module 1
Officer Research Data Management
Div. II Research, Central Administration

+49 7071 29-75082

Sven Fillinger Module 4
Leader IT-Infrastructure and Scientific Software (ITSS)
Core Facility QBiC

+49 7071 29-78290

Prof. Dr. Augustin Kelava Module 2
University professor & Head of
Core Facility Methods Center

+49 7071 29-74933



rdmspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de
+49 7071 29-75082