
Civic Engagement Certificate

Socially engaged students take on an active role and thus responsibility in society. In practice, for example, they deal with topics such as social inequality, migration, racism, climate/environment, health, alternative economy and culture.
Do you recognize yourself here? Then take the opportunity to have your engagement officially recognized by a (non-degree) certificate!
With the (non-degree) Civic Engagement Certificate, the University of Tübingen promotes this assumption of responsibility by its students - be they bachelor’s, master’s or state examination’s students. Bachelor’s students can also have these credit points recognized in their mandatory Transversal Competences module (also known as Key Qualifications) in the curriculum.
We are convinced that civic engagement in the non-university area contributes to your personal development and professional qualification. You acquire very practical competencies and skills. You also gain deep insights into socio-political topics. With our framework programs we would like to support you in reflecting on these practical experiences academically.
The Civic Engagement Certificate has a scope of 15 CP. The following three units must be completed:

1. Theoretical introduction
3 CP

What does social commitment actually mean? In our courses, we deal with questions like these:

How is social engagement developing in Germany or even in other countries?  What role does social engagement play in addressing real social problems? What fields of activity are there and how does the work of non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations, and each engaged individual take shape there?

In the "Transdisciplinary Course Program" we offer courses each semester that you can take and receive credit for as Building Block 1.

Here is an example from the SoSe 2024 program booklet:
- 1PGE209 | Verantwortung in der Zivilgesellschaft - Migration
- 1PGE303 | Social Justice mit dem Schwerpunkt Diskriminierung
- 1PGE305 | Gesundheit - Geschlecht - Soziale Ungleichheit

If you have successfully completed another course during your stay abroad or at the University of Tübingen that raises the same questions: Send the certificate or your Transcript of Records (ToR) as well as the module or course description to the certificate coordination.

2. Service-Learning Course
3 CP or 6 CP

Service-Learning is an innovative concept that specifically combines academic learning with social engagement. In the associated seminars, students, teachers and non-profit practical institutions work together on solutions for real, social challenges.

In the „Transdisciplinary Course Program“ (TCP) we offer courses each semester that you can take and receive credit for as Building Block 2. These courses are designated with 3 or 6 CPs.

We provide an overview in the "Orientation guide by certificate" in the TCP course program.

3. Civic engagement
6 CP or 9 CP

In the third module, you will be expected to engage in social activities on your own initiative and to reflect systematically on the experience you have gained in practice and to link the knowledge you have acquired in practice with your academic knowledge.

Student engagement can be very diverse:

Get involved individually, e.g. in self-organized, voluntary internships as part of the  "EngagemenTransfer" program and/or...

...Become a member or part of the organizing team of a Student engagement and/or...

...become a Mentor,, for example for other students or pupils.


15 Credit Points

To receive the certificate, you must successfully complete all three building blocks!

You can decide for yourself whether you want to focus on module two by attending service-learning courses, or on module 3 by gaining more experience in the context of independent engagement activities.

Building blocks CPs
1 Theoreitsche Einführung 3 CP
2 Service-Learning-Seminar 6 CP 3 CP
3 Student engagement 6 CP 9 CP
Certificate 15 CP

  After completing all three modules, please apply for a certificate at: ovidius.uni-tuebingen.de/ilias3/goto.php.

The difference from the CIVIS micro-programme Civic Engagement

The difference to the CIVIS micro-programme Civic Engagement is, on the one hand, that within the framework of CIVIS you raise your experience to an international level - either through a volunteering activity abroad, a service-learning course offered by Athens, Bucharest or Madrid, or through participation in the joint course (Unit 1). Finally, this international dimension is also evident in the CIVIS certificate you receive.