Public Relations Department

Guide to: Internal newsletter

The newsletter "Uni Tübingen intern" is published every 2 weeks to keep University members informed of news that specifically concerns them. 

Possible topics and criteria for newsletter items

The item must be relevant to as large a group of University employees as possible, beyond the author's own area. Personnel changes, e.g. from departments/institutes, announcements of events and follow-up reports are generally not suitable for the internal newsletter.

  • Item length: max. 650 characters incl. spaces. If necessary, you may refer to more detailed information via a link to a corresponding website.
  • Always include an author at the end of your item (full name of the author or person responsible, relevant institution) and a contact (e-mail and/or telephone) for readers' queries.
  • Names in the text and in the contact details must be given in full, with the given and family names, function/department/institution and, if applicable, title.
  • The following personal data may be provided without the written consent of the person mentioned:
    • Family name, given name(s), title
    • Official title and name of the organizational unit
    • Data on official availability (work address, room, telephone and fax number, e-mail address)
    • Information on availability during regular working hours
    • Information on the scope of duties and activities and on memberships in committees
  • Other personal data in newsletter items: In the case of items in which you refer, for example, to partial retirement or a change of name due to marriage, publication in this form is only permitted if the persons mentioned have given their consent. This must be documented in writing. This consent to publication in the newsletter "Uni Tübingen intern" may be revoked at any time via hochschulkommunikationspam
  • The integration of images/graphics is not possible for technical reasons.
  • The items are translated from German to English by the Public Relations Department.


Do you have any questions?
Contact the responsible member of the Public Relations Department.

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Internal communication
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