
Can I get an electric height adjustable desk?

For new acquisitions, it is possible to buy electric height adjustable desks. However, if the existing desk is still usable, according to the current specifications of the state of Baden-Württemberg, an electric height adjustable desk may only be financed by the state if it is medically indicated.
The occupational health service (Betriebsärztlicher Dienst) can advise you on this matter. Please bring detailed orthopedic documentation to the appointment. If necessary, a certificate is issued, which must be submitted to the procurement section (Abteilung Einkauf) along with a procurement request (Beschaffungsantrag).

Alternatively, an electrically height adjustable desk can be purchased using private funds or unrestricted third-party funding.

A purchase via the pension insurance is no longer possible.

Status: 11/2022

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