
How is travel time counted towards working hours on business trips?

Until 2017, travel time for business trips could only be credited up to the individual’s regular working hours. For part-time employees, this constituted a significant disadvantage compared to full-time employees.

At the end of 2017, the Ministry of Science and the Arts (MWK), which is responsible for the universities in Baden-Württemberg, stipulated that the regulations under civil service law pursuant to No. 40.5, second paragraph, sentence 1 of the BeamtVwV (administrative regulation of the Ministry of the Interior for the implementation of civil service regulations) apply.

Accordingly, travel time for business trips is counted towards working hours up to a maximum of ten hours per day (the legal maximum daily working hours). Since this also explicitly applies to part-time employees, their specific situation is taken into account and they are treated equally with full-time employees in this regard.

Further details can be found in the aforementioned administrative regulations; the relevant provision is on page 309.

Updated: 04/21

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