
In the event of overtime or extra hours, what rules apply?

A basic distinction must be made between extra hours (Mehrarbeit) and overtime (Überstunden); however, there is no universal definition.

Usually, extra hours (Mehrarbeit) refers to working hours exceeding the maximum daily working hours of 8 hours, which are compensated by time off. Depending on the time of day (evening, night) and the day of the week (Saturday, Sunday, holiday), employees may be entitled to premiums, which are paid out upon request. 

Overtime (Überstunden), meanwhile, is working hours that exceed the contractually specified working hours. Overtime must be officially prescribed and may be either compensated financially or with time off, as chosen by the employee. The provisions of the Arbeitszeitgesetz (hours of work act) on the maximum working hours per day and on time off between two working days must also be observed in the case of overtime. In order for the overtime pay plus premiums to be paid (or, in the case of compensatory time off, only the premiums), you must submit a request.

The request form can be downloaded from human resources (login required) under ‘Z’, ‘Zeitzuschläge’.

Updated: 04/21

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