


Cross-linguistic language technologies. Data, Methods, and Analysis

Colloquium by Johann-Mattis List

Time & place: Monday, February 15th, 11.00 am - 12.30 pm, Zoom

Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/94224749668

Meeting ID: 942 2474 9668
Passcode: 972612

Speaker: Johann-Mattis List, MPI for the Science of Human History, Jena

Title: Cross-linguistic language technologies. Data, Methods, and Analysis

Abstract: In the past two decades the amount of digitally available linguistic datasets has been constantly increasing and many new methods have been proposed in order to analyze large cross-linguistic datasets. Unfortunately, however, only a small fraction of the digitally available data is also integrated in the sense that the data for one particular problem or the data from one particular source can be directly compared with data compiled for different problems or from different sources. In order to deal with this problem, new cross-linguistic language technologies are needed. These technologies help to integrate linguistic datasets across many different languages by providing (a) detailed standards for cross-linguistic data formats, (b) new methods with which data can be converted into the required data formats, and (c) new analyses that target cross-linguistically integrated data. In the talk, I will briefly introduce what has been done so far with respect to data integration and cross-linguistic language technologies and then discuss chances and challenges for future work.

More information about this and past talks in the Oberseminar can be found here: https://uni-tuebingen.de/de/133999.
