
Resources in social Context(s): Curse, Conflicts and the Sacred

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June 2016, Monday 13th - Wednesday 15th


Tübingen, Alte Aula

Monday, 13.06.2016

08:30Martin Bartelheim & Anke Scholz, University of Tübingen
Welcome and Organisational Remarks

Session 1: Curse and Blessing of Resources

09:00Jörg Baten, University of Tübingen
The Curse and Blessings of Resources
09:30Bruce James, University of Maryland
Parallel Concepts of Resource Challenges and Recovery Dynamics in Ecology and Human History
10:00Sean S. Downey, University of Maryland
Population Instability and the Transition to Farming in Europe (8000-4000 years ago)
10:30Coffee Break/ Poster Presentation
11:00Paola Sconzo, Alexander Edmonds & Frerich Schön, University of Tübingen
Crossing the Rivers - Bridging the Sea: The Curses and Blessings of Assyro-Phoenician Interactions (9th-7th century BC)
12:00Andrea Orendi, University of Tübingen
The Blessing and Curse of the Resource Complex ‘Agriculture’ in Bronze and Iron Age Southern Levant
12:30Nicholas Meinzer, University of Tübingen
Living Standards and Inequality in the Early Middle Ages
13:00Lunch Break


15:30Coffee Break/ Poster Presentation
16:00Daniel Steinberg, University of Tübingen
Do Resource Booms impinge on Educational Attainment?
16:30Dacil Juif, Wageningen University
Resource Curse or Blessing? The Impact of Mining Activities on Schooling in Zambia
18:00Tango Session (optional)
20:00Barbecue at Schloss Hohentübingen

Tuesday, 14.06.2016

Session 2: Conflicts about Ressources

09:00Peter Pfälzner
09:10Peter Pfälzner, University of Tübingen
The Archaeology of Social Conflict
09:30Dirk Wicke, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Prestige Goods – Conciliating or inciting Social Conflict?
10:00Ivana Puljiz, University of Tübingen
The King’s Gold – Gold Objects as Media of Political Power
10:30Jesse Michael Millek, University of Tübingen
Constructing Conflict at the End of the Late Bronze Age: A View from the Southern Levant
11:00Coffee Break
11:30Günther Schlee, MPI Halle
How is Identity involved in Conflicts? On the Relation between Identities and Resources inConflict Analysis
12:00Yanti Hözchen, University of Tübingen
‘When Sharia comes, Traditions make Way for it’: Contested Knowledge and Cultural Change in Kyrgyzstan
12:30Lunch Break
14:00Alexander Heinemann, University of Freiburg
The Righteous and the Wronged: Narrating strife and managing Conflict in Democratic Athens
14.30Xenja Herren, University of Tübingen
The two Faces of Conflict. Eris in Hesiod’s ‘Works and Days’
15:00Dominik Delp & Veronika Sossau, University of Tübingen
Conflicts and Competition: An Impetus for Mobility and Migration in the Context of the ‘Greek Colonisation’?
15:45Coffee Break
16:45Felicitas Schmitt, University of Tübingen
My Monument, my Way, my Land! Investigating Territories and Social Conflict in Central Iberia
17:15Panel Discussion (N.N.)
18:00Dinner (optional)

Wednesday, 15.06.2016

Session 3: Sacralisation of Resources

09:30Introduction by Roland Hardenberg, University of Tübingen
Concepts of Sacredness and Processes of Sacralisation

Presentation by Cluster A: Heribert Beckmann, Nina Nordström, Jörg Widmaier, Lisa Züfle, University of Tübingen


10:30Coffee Break
11:00Comments by Guest Speaker Annette Hornbacher, University of Heidelberg
11:30General Discussion
12:00Lunch Break
13:30Presentation by Cluster B: Jan Ahlrichs, Kai Riehle, Nurzat Sultanalieva, University of Tübingen
14:00Comments by Guest Speaker Steffanie Kicherer, University of Tübingen
14:30General Discussion
15:00Coffee Break
15:15Presentation by Cluster C: Vincent Clausing, Pia Hilsberg, Katharina Müller, Beat Schweizer, University of Tübingen
15:45Comments by Guest Speaker Monique Scheer, University of Tübingen
16:15General Discussion
16:45Coffee Break
17:00Panel with Guests and Roland Hardenberg about Key Issues
17:30Final Statement of Organisers
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