
Buddy programs for international students

Exchange Buddy Program

International Buddies

Exchange Buddy Program: For exchange students from partner universities of the University of Tübingen who will study in Tübingen for one or two semesters.


Exchange Buddy Programm: During the semester.

Tasks of the Tübingen Buddies

Exchange Buddy Program in Tübingen:

- If possible, greet your buddy at theit time of arrival

- Help them check into their dormitory

- Support them with administrative tasks such as registering with the city, opening a bank account, etc.

- Joint leisure time activities such as going to the cinema, doing sports, etc.

Confirmation of Participation

A confirmation of participation without ECTS can be issued for the Tübingen buddies.

Registration Process

Winter Semester 2024/25:


For Tübingen students: https://forms.office.com/e/zrc4G65sCh

For incoming exchange students: https://forms.office.com/e/ED5xXgQZET 

You can register for the Exchange Buddy Program in the winter semester 2024/25 until August 1, 2024.


  1. Matching of registrations: By the end of August, depending on the number and type of registrations, we will allocate the buddies as best as possible, taking into account individual wishes.
  2. Wait for matching email: If we were able to place you with a buddy, you will receive an email with your international buddy assignment.
  3. Contacting your buddy: Now nothing stands in the way of getting to know each other! Contact your buddy partner and off you go!


International Office
Wilhelmstraße 9
72074 Tübingen
exchange.buddyspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Tübingen International & European Studies (T-IES) Buddy Program

International Buddies

Participants of Tübingen International and European Studies (T-IES) short-term programs


4 weeks up to 4 months

Winter School: 4 weeks in January

Summer Schools: 4 weeks in June/July and 4 weeks in August

Doshisha Program: 4 months (September 1st until Christmas)

Tasks of the Tübingen Buddies

- Participation in the intercultural training

- Support on the day of arrival and for accommodation check-in

- Orientation in Tübingen

- Regular meetings with common leisure time activities

- Joint participation in the program events


Good command of Englisch AND German

Applicants should be familiar with the city and university of Tübingen.


In accordance with regulations of TRACS (Transdisciplinary Course Program & Career Service), the acquisition of 2 ECTS is possible. The ECTS can be credited to the certificate Global Awareness.

Requirements: Participation in the intercultural training, participation in the entire program, submission of a reflection portfolio.

Registration Process

T-IES Winter School Buddy Program January 2025

Application starts on October 15, 2024.

Contact Person

International Office - T-IES Programs

Martina Gebhard
Keplerstr. 2
72074 Tübingen

tiesspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

Degree-seeking Buddy Program

International Buddies

International students coming to Tübingen for a Bachelor's or Master's degree. 


During the semester

Tasks of the Tübingen Buddies

Support and finding your way in the Tübingen university landscape 

Guidance in the student culture of Tübingen

Joint leisure activities 

If possible: joint study groups

Confirmation of Participation

A confirmation of participation without ECTS can be issued for the Tübingen buddies.

Registration Process

Winter semester 2024/25:


For experienced Tübingen students: https://forms.office.com/e/zrc4G65sCh

For incoming international students: https://forms.office.com/e/ED5xXgQZET 

You can register for the Degree-seeking Buddy Program in the winter semester 2024/25 until September 15, 2024.


  1. Matching of registrations: By the end of September, depending on the number and type of registrations, we will allocate the buddies as best as possible, taking into account individual wishes.
  2. Wait for matching email: If we were able to place you with a buddy, you will receive an email with your international buddy assignment.
  3. Contacting your buddy: Now nothing stands in the way of getting to know each other! Contact your buddy partner and off you go!


Support for international students
Wilhelmstraße 19
72074 Tübingen
degree.buddyspam prevention@zv.uni-tuebingen.de

TÜ-VIP Virtual Buddy Program

International and Tübingen Buddies

TÜ-VIP Buddy Program (online): From October 7th till December 13th, 2024 we offer a virtual course program (TÜ-VIP October 2024 online course program) for students who cannot come to Tübingen or who would like to get prepared for their stay in Tübingen. Within this course program we offer the "Virtual Buddy Program", which connects international with Tübingen students. 

Between October 14th and December 9th, 2024 Buddy Program participants regularly meet online. Next to those individually organized meetings, our TÜ-VIP organization team offers bi-weekly online Stammtisch sessions (starting October 14th, 2024) to discuss different topics and help students.

Buddy teams are matched according to different critera, such as common languages, fields of study, interestes, hobbies, etc. 


The TÜ-VIP October 2024 online course program takes place from October 7th till December 13th, 2024. 

The TÜ-VIP October 2024 Virtual Buddy Program takes place from October 14th till December 9th, 2024.


Part of the TÜ-VIP Buddy Program is a bi-weekly online Stammtisch (Regulars' Table) which starts on October 14th, 2024 at 6:30pm (German time).

The general TÜ-VIP October 2024 Welcome Event takes place on October 7th at 4:00pm (German time). 

Tasks of the Tübingen Buddies

TÜ-VIP Virtual Buddy Program from October 14th till December 9th, 2024

- Virtual exchange and contact with international exchange students who, for various reasons, cannot come to Tübingen themselves or who want to prepare for their stay in Tübingen.

- Regular online meetings with the buddies and active participation in the Regulars' Tables.


TÜ-VIP Virtual Buddy Program from October 14th till December 9th, 2024

In consultation with TRACS, the acquisition of ECTS is possible. Prerequisites: Filling out the "Virtual Buddy Confirmation", creating a a buddy protocol as well as a reflection portfolio and regular participation (at least 3x) in the online get-togethers. The ECTS can be credited to the "Global Awareness" certificate. 

Only "Tübingen Buddies" who are enrolled at the University of Tübingen and tutor international students can receive ECTS for participating in the Virtual Buddy Program. 

A Confirmation of Participation (without ECTS) can also be issued.

Registration process

Registration is possible until September 15th, 2024.

You can register for the TÜ-VIP October 2024 Virtual Buddy Program through Forms: https://forms.office.com/e/ft2xGHaS76.

Further procedure:

  • Organization of all registrations: After the registration deadline, we allocate the buddies as best we can, depending on the number and type of registrations, taking into account individual wishes.
  • Wait for the matching email: If we have been able to put you in touch with a buddy, you will receive an email from us with your buddy's contact details. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that every international student will be assigned a Tübingen buddy, as it always depends on the number of registrations.
  • Contacting your buddy: Now nothing stands in the way of getting to know each other! Get in touch with your buddy and off you go!
  • Kick-off event: On Monday, October 14, 2024 at 6:30pm (German time), a joint kick-off event will take place for all registered Tübingen and international buddies. The zoom link for this will be sent in the first email.

Contact person

Division V - International Office 

Lilian Zorzi
Wilhelmstr. 9
72074 Tübingen

 +49 7071 29-77501
