
Information on Erasmus+ within Europe

Nomination lists

Please send your nominations list (by April 30th for the entire following academic year) to outgoingspam prevention@erasmus.uni-tuebingen.de

 Please note that the nomination and application process for CIVIS and Erasmus semester stays is identical.

CIVIS semester spots

Within the CIVIS University Alliance, fixed exchange places have been defined for each university, which can be found in the table Conditions for Incomings.

 The nomination and application process for semester stays is identical to Erasmus+ semester stays.

If you have any questions about the exchange places, please contact Lars Banzhaf.

Erasmus+ partner contracts

For changes, terminations and new Erasmus+ partner contracts (inter-institutional agreements) with other universities, please contact erasmus-ewpspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de.

Online Learning Agreement

In the following video you will learn how incoming and outgoing students can process and sign Online Learning Agreements on the EWP Dashboard platform.

Online Learning Agreement

If you do not yet have an account, please contact the International Office.

Erasmus+ student mobility

outgoingspam prevention@erasmus.uni-tuebingen.de
 +49 7071 29-76450
 +49 7071 29-77496
 Wilhelmstraße 9
     72074 Tübingen

Erasmus+ partner cooperations

erasmus-ewpspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de

 Wilhelmstraße 9
     72074 Tübingen