

Changes in coronavirus testing

Circular to all employees and students (except Medicine)

Dear colleagues,
Dear students,

Since April 19, we have offered you the option to undergo a Coronavirus rapid test at the University of Tübingen. The company CeGaT set up two test stations in the Neue Aula building and the Hörsaalzentrum Morgenstelle (lecture hall center) for this purpose. The offer was primarily aimed at employees of the University. In the coming days, the existing testing service will be modified and expanded.

Both test stations will offer a so-called citizen test in the future. This allows students as well as other people to be tested for Covid-19 at the test stations in addition to employees. To facilitate access to the test stations, the station in the Campus Tal area near the town center has been relocated to the Clubhaus building (Wilhelmstraße 30) since Monday, May 10. The test station on the Morgenstelle campus will move to the Mensa Morgenstelle (canteen) on Monday, May 17. University employees can still get tested at the test stations during their work hours. A one-day certificate will continue to be issued at both stations. The hours of operation remain unchanged: Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. As already explained in the circular of April 16, in the event of a positive test result, the trained personnel at the test stations are requested to take a second sample, which is then analyzed using the PCR method.

Beginning next week, the University will also provide up to two self-tests to employees who work on site in university buildings. These tests are also designed to detect a Covid-19 infection and can be carried out at the workplace or at home. Central administration will send all university facilities a basic supply of self-tests as part of a mailing campaign. Additional test kits can be requested by the facilities via the purchasing section. The test kits can be disposed of (well packed and largely free of liquids) via the residual waste.

Employees who test positive in a self-test should inform their supervisors immediately and go to a Coronavirus test station that offers PCR testing. In Tübingen, this is the Red Cross test station at Tübingen’s Festplatz (https://www.drk-tuebingen.de/aktuell/presse-service/corona-teststelle-und-fieberambulanz.html). There, trained personnel will do a second Coronavirus test by the PCR method. Please go home afterwards and wait for the result. Until the result is available, you should work from home as far as possible. If this does not work due to the nature of your tasks, you will be exempt from work. Employees who also test positive with the PCR method should immediately contact their doctor by telephone and take a sick leave. In this case, please also inform human resources via your supervisors.

Self-tests and rapid tests continue to be important building blocks in our fight against the Coronavirus pandemic. However, I would like to point out once again that a negative test result must under no circumstances lead to disregarding the hygiene rules that have been in force for a year. Maintaining social distance, wearing a mask, hand-washing and regular ventilation remain mandatory even if a test result is negative.

Best regards – and stay healthy!

Professor Dr. Bernd Engler
