

University to issue certificates for vaccination priority

Circular to all employees (except Medicine)

Dear colleagues,

Under the German government’s current Coronavirus vaccination rules, all persons working at institutions of higher education have a “raised priority” for the allocation of vaccination appointments (prioritization group 3). The state government of Baden-Württemberg has announced that this prioritization is expected to take effect in mid-May. As soon as the state government gives a specific date for this, you as an employee will be eligible for vaccination as of that date. As with other prioritized population groups, such as the over-60s, registration and appointments are handled by state-administered vaccination centers or by family doctors.

[ Addendum: Prioritization will take effect on May 17, see the respective press release by the Ministry of Social Affairs.]

If you are assigned an appointment by a vaccination center or by your doctor, the vaccination center or doctor may request a certificate stating that you belong to a prioritized group. You need to present this certificate when you go to your first immunization appointment. Effective immediately, the Human Resources Division will issue these certificates to all persons working at the University of Tübingen upon request. This includes civil servants working at the university, employees covered by collective bargaining agreements, student assistants and research assistants, and lecturers.

To obtain a certificate, please proceed as follows:

  • Download the form from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs website. https://sozialministerium.baden-wuerttemberg.de/fileadmin/redaktion/m-sm/intern/downloads/Downloads_Gesundheitsschutz/Corona_SM_Impfbescheinigung_4_Prio-3.pdf
  • Enter your family name and given name, your address and your date of birth on page 1 of the form.
  • Enter the University of Tübingen under "Name des Ausstellers" on page 1. 
  • Enter the address Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, 72074 Tübingen in the following line.
  • On the next line, please enter the administrator who is responsible for you. You can look up names and telephone numbers on the intranet.
    Student and research assistants please enter Ms. Johner, 07071/2977366 and lecturers Ms. Thumm, 07071/2976445.
  • Please print out the completed form and send it to Universität Tübingen, Personalabteilung, Wilhelmstraße 5, 72074 Tübingen.  If possible, use the in-house mail. If you are currently working from home only, you can also send the completed form to the Human Resources Division by the regular post. 
  •  IMPORTANT: Please include a self-addressed envelope for the reply so that the certificate reaches you. The Human Resources Division will otherwise mail the signed and stamped certificates to your work address. If you wish to have the certificate sent to your home address, please enclose a stamped and self-addressed envelope.

Unfortunately, the certificates cannot be issued electronically – at your vaccination appointment you must present an original, signed and stamped by your employer.

Several thousand people are employed at the University of Tübingen; I therefore ask you to be patient as it will take approximately eight days to process a form. Please refrain from inquiries unless absolutely necessary. You can register for an appointment at the vaccination center or with your family doctor even if you do not yet have the employer's certificate, but only after the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs has officially announced when prioritization will apply to university employees.

In recent weeks, there has been a steady increase in the number of University employees who have received their first vaccination or have already been fully vaccinated. In this context, I would like to remind all vaccinated colleagues that the University's hygiene rules still apply, with no exceptions. Maintaining social distance, wearing a mask, hand-washing and regular ventilation are mandatory even for vaccinated persons. We must not stumble on what we hope will be the final stretch of the pandemic.

The prioritization of persons working in higher education is not a quick fix for the problems surrounding the Coronavirus vaccination. Germany’s stores of vaccine are not enough to vaccinate everyone in the next few weeks. Patience and perseverance are needed. The end of the Coronavirus crisis is approaching, but we are not there yet.

Best regards,

Professor Dr. Bernd Engler
