

Interested in the connections between religion, culture, and society?

This calendar lists dates and events from the CRCS network that take place at the University of Tübingen or are organized with the involvement of Tübingen researchers.

If you would like to have events from the field of religion, culture, and society included in the calendar, simply send us the information to be published via email at crcs@uni-tuebingen.de.

Save the Date

The Study of Religion: Pasts, Presents, & Futures 

Tübingen-Toronto Workshop 2025

A two-day workshop held at the University of Tübingen: May 26-27, 2025

Jointly organized by the Center for Religion, Culture, and Society (University of Tübingen) and the Department for the Study of Religion (University of Toronto)

Winter term 2024/25

Byzantine and Near Eastern Seminar

Event series of the Research Group ‘Religious Conflict and Mobility, 700-900,’ in cooperation with the Institute for Ancient History 

Thursdays at 2:15 p.m., Münzgasse 11, Room 101.


Past events in the winter term 2024/25

Qurʾān and Arab Christianity: Religious Themes and Motifs in Pre-Qurʾanic Arabic Poetry

Workshop of QaSLA at the 24. and 25. of September 2024



Entanglements of colonial heritage and the sacred. The kabra (ancestor) mask in the Netherlands.

Lecture of Dr. Markus Balkenhol

Monday, October 28, 2024, 6:15 p.m., ZITh Building (Liebermeisterstraße 18), Room 315



The Healing of Wounds and the Power of Forgiveness: Why Must Theology Be Political?

Lecture of Dr. Marcel Uwineza SJ (Hekima University College, Nairobi)


Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 6:15 p.m., Theologicum (Liebermeisterstraße 12), Room S9 

in cooperation with Practical Theology / Catholic-Theological Faculty

More information


Annual CRCS General Assembly with election of the CRCS Board

Monday, November 11, 2024, 4:00 p.m., Theologicum (Liebermeisterstr. 12), Room 10 

Member are invited to propose potential candidates for election


Drawing Water: Toward an Elemental Theory of Religion

Lecture by Prof. Pamela Klassen, CoF Lecture Series

Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 7:00 p.m., Neue Aula (Geschwister-Scholl-Platz), Großer Senat 

More Information

The Lover and the Beloved: A Journey into Tantra

Thursday, January 23, 2025, 6 p.m., Nauklerstrasse 35 (seminar room on the first floor)

The film was made by visual anthropologist Andy Lawrence in 2011. The screening is part of the “Religious Studies Movie Night” series and will be followed by an informal discussion about the film.

PhD Networking Workshop

Friday, January 24, 2025, Tübingen Castle (Burgsteige 11), Fürstenzimmer

The workshop is aimed at doctoral candidates of the University of Tübingen who are conducting research on topics related to religion. It offers the opportunity to get to know each other and present their own projects to an interdisciplinary audience.

Call for Applications

Interreligious Communication and Decision Making: Historical Perspectives, Modern Practices

Round table discussion with Dr Amra Bone, Dr Helen Costigane, Joanne Greenaway, Shaykh Mohammad Yazdani Raza Misbahi, Rabbi Dr Jonathan Romain MBE

Friday, February 5, 2025, 5:30-7 p.m., German Historical Institute London (in-person or online)


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