
Knowledge Transfer Project T1

Developing an Interactive Workbook for English Foreign Language Teaching

Integrating State-of-the-art Form and Meaning Assessment from Computational Linguistics into a Current Workbook for the Gymnasium

The goal of transfer project T1 was to connect the fundamental research results of project A4 (CoMiC: Comparing Meaning in Context) on meaning assessment as a subfield of Computational Linguistics with the analysis and feedback needs of real-life Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. The project made this concrete by exploring how the computational analysis of meaning and form can be used to provide immediate, individualized feedback to English language learners working on a range of tasks. In collaboration with the publisher Diesterweg, the project piloted the development of an intellegent electronic workbook based on a current workbook approved for 7th grade English classes in Gymnasium.

More information on the project and the current prototype can be found on the landing page.

Term: 2016 - 2019


  • Rudzewitz, B., Ziai, R., Nuxoll, F., De Kuthy, K. & Meurers, D. (2020). Enhancing a web-based language tutoring system with learning analytics. Joint Proceedings of the Workshops of the 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining co-located with the 12th International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2019) (pp. 1-7). Montréal, Canada, July 2019, CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2592.
  • Meurers, D., De Kuthy, K., Nuxoll, F., Rudzewitz, B. & Ziai, R. (2019). Scaling up intervention studies to investigate real-life foreign language learning in school. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 39.
  • Meurers, D., De Kuthy, K., Nuxoll, F., Rudzewitz, B. & Ziai, R. (2019). KI zur Lösung realer Schulherausforderungen: Interaktive und adaptive Materialien im Fach Englisch. Schulmanagement-Handbuch (No. 169, pp. 65-89).
  • Rudzewitz, B., Ziai, R., Nuxoll, F., De Kuthy, K. & Meurers, D. (2019). Enhancing a web-based language tutoring system with learning analytics. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Learning Analytics: Building Bridges between the Education and the Computing Communities (LABBEC) Held at Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2019, Montréal, Canada.
  • Ziai, R., Nuxoll, F., De Kuthy, K., Rudzewitz, B. & Meurers, D. (2019). The impact of spelling correction and task context on short answer assessment for intelligent tutoring systems. Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning (pp. 93-99). Turku, Finland, September 2019. ACL.
  • Meurers, D., De Kuthy, K., Möller, V., Nuxoll, F., Rudzewitz, B. & Ziai, R. (2018). Digitale Differenzierung benötigt Informationen zu Sprache, Aufgabe und Lerner. Zur Generierung von individuellem Feedback in einem interaktiven Arbeitsheft. FLuL - Fremdsprachen Lehren und Lernen 47(2).
  • Rudzewitz, B., Ziai, R., De Kuthy, K., Möller, V., Nuxoll, F. & Meurers, D. (2018). Generating feedback for English foreign language exercises. Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications (BEA) (pp. 127-136). ACL.
  • Ziai, R., Rudzewitz, B., De Kuthy, K., Nuxoll, F. & Meurers, D. (2018). Feedback strategies for form and meaning in a real-life language tutoring system. Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Computer-Assisted Language Learning (NLP4CALL) (pp. 91-98). ACL.
  • Rudzewitz, B., Ziai, R., De Kuthy, K. & Meurers, D. (2017). Developing a web-based workbook for English supporting the interaction of students and teachers. Proceedings of the Joint 6th Workshop on NLP for Computer Assisted Language Learning and 2nd Workshop on NLP for Research on Language Acquisition at NoDaLiDa 2017. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 134 (pp. 36-46).

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