


Konferenzband "Threatend Knowledge" erschienen!

Am 24. September 2021 erschien der Band „Threatened Knowledge. Practices of Knowing and Ignoring from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century” (Routledge 2021). Der Band beschäftigt sich mit dem gesellschaftlichen Umgang mit „Wissen“, „Nicht-Wissen“ und dem „nicht-wissen-wollen“ seit dem Mittelalter. Der Band ist ein Ergebnis der SFB-Konferenz Bedrohte Ordnungen III „What do we still know? Knowing and forgetting in times of threat“, die 2018 in Tübingen stattfand. Der Band wird herausgegeben von der stellvertretenden SFB-Sprecherin Professorin Dr. Renate Dürr.

Threatened Knowledge – Practices of Knowing and Ignoring from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century

"In times of "fake news", processes of forgetting and practices of non-knowledge have sparked the interest of historical and sociological research. The common ground between all the contributions in this volume is the assumption that knowledge does not simply increase over time and thus supplant phases of not-knowing. Moreover, the contributions show that knowing and not-knowing function in very similar ways, which means they can be analysed along similar methodological lines. Given the implied juxtaposition between emotions and rational thinking, the role of emotions in the process of knowledge production has often been trivialized in more traditional approaches to the subject. Through a broad geographical and chronological approach, spanning from prognostic texts in the Carolingian period to stock market speculation in early-twentieth-century United States, this volume demonstrates the important role of emotions in the history of science. By bringing together cultural historians of knowledge, emotions, finance, and global intellectual history, Threatened Knowledge is a useful tool for all students and scholars of the history of knowledge and science on a global scale." (Verlagsinformation)

Auch einige (ehemalige) Mitarbeiter*innen des Sonderforschungsbereiches haben mit eigenen Beiträgen zum Gelingen des Sammelbandes beigetragen:

  • Renate Dürr (stellvtr. Sprecherin, TP-Leiterin E04/F04): Introduction. Practices of Knowing and Ignoring from the Middle Ages to the Twentieth Century
  • Sebastian Koch (TP G04): Biculturalism, Multiculturalism and Indigeneity as a Strategy of Memoria. Canada and Australia Defining Themselves in Times of Threat
  • Daniel Menning (TP-Leiter E04): "Doubt all before you believe anything": Stock Market Speculation in the Early Twentieth Century United States

Weitere Informationen zum Band und die Möglichkeit zur Bestellung des Bandes finden sich auf der Verlagsseite.



Thorsten Zachary
Universität Tübingen
SFB 923 „Bedrohte Ordnungen“
Telefon +49 7071 29-75095
thorsten.zacharyspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de
