
Dr. Frank Schuhmacher



Universität Tübingen
SFB 1391 „Andere Ästhetik“
Keplerstr. 17
D-72074 Tübingen

Room 26

+49 (0)7071 29-74660

short CV

Seit Juni 2023

Post-Doc / Habilitand


Promotion (Thema: Benito Mussolini: Mythenmacher des Konsenses)

Seit 2015

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl v. Prof. Dr. Dietmar Till


Master Allgemeine Rhetorik


research project

Reception and Transformation of Eepideictic Rhetoric between Italy and the Roman-German Empire

The research project focusses on the amplification in reception and transformation processes crossing two language borders. The purpose of the project is to trace the influence of Italian theories on German rhetoric and poetics in the 17th and early 18th century. The textual forms in question – speeches, poems and letters – become a ‘different’ Aesthetics when their origin of stylistic forms and context adaptation are examined more closely. These include, for example, the poems of the ‘Second Silesian Poetry School’ and in particular those of Christian Hoffmann v. Hoffmannswaldau. Praised by his contemporaries as the ‘Silesian Marin’, the following question arises: To what extent could Giambattista Marino have functioned as his poetic model?
The shared rhetorical features and differences in terms of the implemented techniques of intensification will be analyzed in a comparative view of the two cultural areas. Closely connected to this are the theories of argutia (autological aspects) from Italy which built a new stylistic concept in separating itself from rhetorical classicism. How and where were these theories received in German-speaking countries? How was this process realized, since the argutia theories had to deal with older discourse traditions and other cultural and religious contexts (heterological aspects)?
The reception and transformation of techniques of amplification and intensification – both taken together – are understood as figure of aesthetic reflection. The methods used will be based on newer approaches from linguistics, mainly historical frame semantics, which are intended to develop and systematize the instruments of rhetorical analysis.


  • Mythos: rhetorisch wirksam gemachte Geschichte. Theorie und Praxis im italienischen Faschismus. In: Rhetorik. Ein internationales Jahrbuch. 38 (2019), S. 53–71.
  • Benito Mussolini: Mythenmacher des Konsenses. Eine Analyse der faschistischen Rhetorik zwischen 1929 und 1936. Paderborn 2022.
  • KulturKlassiker. Giambattista Vico (1668–1744), Die Neue Wissenschaft. In: KulturPoetik. Journal for Cultural Poetics. Bd. 23, 2 (2023), S. 264–272.


  • Praise on Cheese: The Paradoxical Encomium and its functions in the Italian Cinquecento. International Society for the History of Rhetoric. 23. Biennial Conference, Nijmegen (Netherlands), (05.08.2022)
  • Die Macht der Rhetorik – Benito Mussolinis wirkungsvolle Propaganda. Vortragsreihe: Sphären der Macht, Katholisches Bildungswerk Bonn, online (26.04.2023)
  • Benito Mussolini: Elements of higher education as strategical image-building. 8th Rhetoric in Society (RSE), Tübingen (02.06.2023)
  • Im Reich der Rhetorik. Netzwerk Tagung 9, Praktisch-Theologisches Fach- und Nachwuchsforum Theologie, Tübingen (22.09.2023)