
Jonas Brachmann



Universität Tübingen
SFB 1391 „Andere Ästhetik“
Keplerstr. 17
D-72074 Tübingen

Room 11

+49 (0)7071 29-75109

short CV


Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im SFB 1391 „Andere Ästhetik“ an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen


Abschluss des Masterstudiums an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Kunstgeschichte)


Abschluss des Bachelorstudiums an der Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Kunstgeschichte und Klassische Archäologie)


research project

Printed Grief. Pompae funebres for the Dutch stadtholders in Early Modern Print

The research project in Art History focuses on the reciprocal relationship between representation and intermediality in 16th and 17th century Netherlandish sepulchral culture. Of particular interest are the pompae funebres for Charles V, the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, whose funeral procession took place in Brussel in 1558 and those for William of Orange, Governor of the Netherlands, in Delft 1584. These spatial and temporal bound obsequies were spread in Europe through a series of graphic prints and thus gained a lasting cultural impact due to their visual appropriation of ephemerality. The prints not only represented the political, religious, and social significance of the performative funerary rites, but we argue that they further functioned as ubiquitous places of negotiation for political, societal, and art theoretical discourse through the inherent logic of their medium and material. To examine these works of art, linking image and text, both in terms of reflections of their own mediality as well as their reproduction and creation of Netherlandish aesthetics of mourning, the project will consider in addition to traditional art historical methods and perspectives from reception theory—among others—approaches from Intermedial Studies, Performativity Studies and Ritual Studies.


Hartmann Schedel, „Liber chronicarum“, in: Andrea Worm / Sandra Linden / Kristina Stöbener (Hgg.): Drucksachen. Inkunabeln und Einblattdrucke der Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, Tübingen 2024 (Schriften des Museums der Universität Tübingen MUT 30), S. 288—295, Kat. III.3.1. bis III.3.4.

Arnold Mercator, „Stadtplan von Köln“, in: https://andere-aesthetik.de/andere-aesthetik-meets-andere-aesthetik/kartographieren/arnold-mercator-stadtplan-von-koeln

Anonym, „Kunstlandschap met de fundamenten van het Huis te Britten Ruinarum arcis britannicae apud batavos typus, aus: L. Guicciardini, Description de touts le Pays-Bas, autrement appellez la Germanie Inférieure ou Basse Allemagne, Cornlis Clasez., Amsterdam 1609; zweiter Zustand aus: L. Guicciardini, Beschryvinghe van alle de Neder-landen, Willem Jansz. Blaeu, Amsterdam, 1612.“ in: https://andere-aesthetik.de/andere-aesthetik-meets-andere-aesthetik/kartographieren/anonym-rvinarvm-arcis-britannica-apvd-batavos-typos

Georg Braun / Frans Hogenberg, „Stadtansicht Luxemburg, Schloss La Fontaine und Igeler Säule, aus: Civitates Orbis Terrarum Bd. 5“ in: https://andere-aesthetik.de/andere-aesthetik-meets-andere-aesthetik/kartographieren/georg-braun-und-hans-hogenberg-die-stadtansicht-von-luxemburg

Anonym, „Italia, Roma und Florentia“, in: https://andere-aesthetik.de/personifikationen/staedte-und-laender/italia-roma-florentia

„Bronzemünze aus Samosata“, in: https://tunewsinternational.com/2023/04/02/memory-of-a-sunken-city/