

Vacancy of project A04

Application deadline: 09.07.21

PhD-Position at the SFB 1070 ResourceCultures, project A04 'Die Entwicklung der Palast-RessourcenKulturen Syriens'
from 01. August 2021
until 30. June 2025
Research Associate – pay grade 13 TV-L, 65% –

For further information please contact Prof. Dr. Peter Pfälzner (peter.pfaelznerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de). Please send your application including all usual documents (Cover letter, CV, certificates) as one pdf-file via email to Prof. Dr. Peter Pfälzner (see above) until 09.07.2021.

Detailed job description TP A04 (Word)
Detailed job description TP A04 (PDF)


Vacancy of project B07

Application deadline: 15.07.2021

PhD position in Soil Science at the SFB1070 ResourceCultures, project B07 ‘A Hunt for Resources? - Spatial Models in the Resource Cultures of the Northern Periphery of Mesopotamia‘
from 01. August 2021
until 30. June 2025
Research Associate – pay grade 13 TV-L, 65% –

For further information please contact Prof. Thomas Scholten (thomas.scholtenspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de). Please send your application including all usual documents (Cover letter, CV, certificates) as one pdf-file via email to Margaretha Baur (margaretha.baurspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de) until 15.07.2021.

Detailed job description (PDF)