LEAD Graduate School & Research Network



Platform "Wissen und Bildung" has started

Sustainable approach for Educational Research

Within the colloquium "Perspectives in Educational Science: Interdisciplinary Research in Tübingen", on June 24, 2013, the platform "Wissen und Bildung" was launched. 130 interested people joined the opening at the Knowledge Media Research Center. Tübingen already has three strong pillars of educational research: the LEAD Graduate School, the DFG research group <link http: www.uni-tuebingen.de fakultaeten wirtschafts-und-sozialwissenschaftliche-fakultaet faecher erziehungswissenschaft abteilungen empirische-bildungsforschung-und-paedagogische-psychologie analyse-und-foerderung-effektiver-lehr-lernprozesse.html _blank>"Analyse und Förderung effektiver Lehr-Lernmethoden" and the <link http: www.wissenschaftscampus-tuebingen.de www en index.html>ScienceCampus "Informational Environments". The new platform builds on these pillars providing a sustainable future concept with the aim to create a long-term stable and broad interdisciplinary oriented basis for Educational Science.
