LEAD Graduate School & Research Network

Domain-Specific Learning Processes

Professional skills and knowledge are still a key to success in the 21st century. This CRA focuses strongly, but not exclusively, on the so-called STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. It explores how learning in these subjects can be supported, for instance, with the help of modern technologies such as virtual reality, as well as through targeted course offerings for gifted and highly talented students.

Selected Research Projects

EPo-EKo: Electricity theory with potential - Electricity theory with contexts

As part of the EPo-EKo-Project, researchers from the universities of Tübingen, Frankfurt, Darmstadt, Dresden, Graz and Vienna have set themselves the goal of making the teaching topic of "simple electric circuits" in physics a.o. more interesting and understandable by making it more relevant to everyday life.

DiKoLeP: Digital competences of future teachers in the subject physics

As part of the DiKoLeP cooperation project, a seminar concept for the use of digital media in physics teaching is being designed and evaluated in order to enable future teachers to use digital media in physics teaching in a way that is effective for learning and makes sense in terms of subject didactics.

Learning effectiveness of explanatory videos

Reinforced by the Covid 19 pandemic, teachers are increasingly resorting to online video explanations or producing them themselves. Whether such videos are effective for learning depends on several factors. In this research project, a framework for good video explanations will be developed.

Visual representations

Visual representations such as diagrams and graphics play a central role in the everyday world of students. An analysis of diagram reading competence and, in continuation, an optimization for text-diagram integration form central aspects of the research project.

Health Education in Sports Classes

An important function of physical education at school is to work towards enabling and motivating people to lead a health-conscious, physically active lifestyle. Health literacy is considered a central factor in this regard. Nevertheless, there is currently a lack of research evidence in this area. This lack poses a problem especially for teaching concepts. The aim of the project Health Education in Sports Classes is to close this research gap.

Cognitive Activation in Physical Education

Cognitive activation, student orientation, and efficient classroom management are considered theoretically sound as well as empirically verifiable indicators of teaching quality. Cognitive activation is the teaching dimension that requires the most subject-specific design. Against the background of the educational mission, cognitive-reflexive components are demanded in physical education. The aim of the project is to generate an overview of empirical findings regarding cognitively activating physical education.

In the Media

On the website EINFACHE E-LEHRE you will find practice-relevant teaching materials that have been developed as part of our subject didactic research.


Prof. Dr. Taiga Brahm​​​​​​​
Prof. Dr. Jan-Philipp Burde
Prof. Dr. Christian Fischer
Prof. Dr. Walther Paravicini

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