


Conference participations over the summer 2014

Members of our RTG 1808 participated in numerous national and international conferences over the summer. Judith Jansen took part in the conference „Arno Schmidt und das 18. Jahrhundert“ in Weimar from 12-14 June, 2014. Marion Knecht visited the GLOW Spring School in Brussels (07.-11.4.2013) as well as the „Architecture Mechanisms of Language and Processing“ (AMLaP) conference in Edinburgh (03.9.-06.9.2014). Carolin Munderich attended the „8th International Conference on Construction Grammar“ (ICCG8) in Osnabrück (03.-06.09.2014), and Nikolai Kohler went to the International Congress for Theology of the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Theologie (WGTh) titled „Geschichte und Gott“ at the Humboldt-Universität Berlin (14.-18.09.2014). Last but not least, Florian Rohman took part in the 49. Congress of the German Society for Psychology in Bochum (21.-25.09.2014).
