


RTG Retreat at Kloster Schönenberg in Ellwangen

From May 19-21, 2017, all members, colleagues and research assistants of the RTG 1808 spent a weekend in Ellwangen in order to practice and plan the final steps necessary to pass the review by the DFG scheduled for July 2017. The cooperation partners Ralf Poscher (Law), Veronika Ehrich (Lingusitics), Barbara Kaup (Psychology), Nicola Kaminski (Literary Studies) und Heike Winhart (Linguistics/general research support) offered their full support in advising the group during the weekend. Ralf Poscher, moreover, presented his paper „An Intentionalist Account on Vagueness“ in the context of a pleasant evening with stimulating and fruitful discussions. All colleagues of the RTG were able to present their posters and projects in a group session. In addition to that, six of the colleagues could present their projects in short talks in which they not only introduced their latest results but also showed their interdisciplinary connections to other projects. Those six papers were:

- Bettina Remmele (Linguistics): „The Prosody of Sluicing: Production Experiments on Prosodic Disambiguation”

- Lisa Ebert (English Literary Studies): Ambiguity in Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights

- Nikolai Kohler (ev. Theology): „Der Tod bei Paulus. Die Ambiguität des Todes und das Leben der Glaubenden im Anschluss an den Römerbrief“

- Sofiya Kartalova (Law): „The Strategic Value of Ambiguity for the Authority of EU Law in the Dialogue between the European Court of Justice and the National Courts: The Example of Melloni (2013)”

- Elias Güthlein (Rhetoric): „Rhetorik und aenigmatisches Ambigueren am Beispiel von Werbeanzeigen“

- Nicolas Potysch (German Literary Studies): "Wiederholt doppeldeutig in Bild und Schrift"

The business trip was rounded off by an excellent tour through the church of Schönenberg in Ellwangen, guided by one of the monks of the monastery that was formerly situated in that place.
