


RTG-Workshop “Ambiguity and Poetry“

The Workshop “Ambiguity and Poetry” took place on 4th July 2014. The speakers invited by the RTG 1808 shared their thoughts on and insights into the practical approach to ambiguity with the participants. Prof David Fishelov (literary studies) and Dr Sieglinde Eberhart (reciter of poetry) invited us to think about speaking poetry aloud. Steffen Popp (translator) reflected on his approach to ambiguity in translating poems from English into German. The contributions of poet Prof Dirk von Petersdorff (“Reflections on the Ambiguity of Rhythmic Language with Reference to My Own Poems”) and author Franz Josef Czernin (“Ambiguity and Poetic Knowledge [Erkenntnis]”) opened up the poet’s perspective on the role of ambiguity in poetry.
