


Tandem-Talk of RTG members at Workshop on Heroes

Our two colleagues Lisa Ebert (English Literature) and Elias Güthlein (Rhetoric) participated in the Workshop “Die Lesbarkeit von Helden. Fragen zur Existenz einer ‘Helden-Semiotik’ on August 4-5, 2017. Their tandem-talk "Die Ambiguität des Helden im Roman der Moderne – vom Wort zum Gesamttext“ contributed to the conference topic from the point of view of the research on ambiguity. First, Lisa Ebert, approaching the topic in terms of a history of the concept, explained the ambiguity of the term “hero” (main character or hero) and demonstrated it in the 19th century novels David Copperfield (Charles Dickens) and Jane Eyre (Charlotte Brontë). Elias Güthlein followed up on that and showed how the role models of hero and main character create ambiguity in Friedrich Dürrenmatt’s crime novel “The Judge and his Hangman”.
