


Tandem talk with Professor Hartmut Stöckl (Salzburg)

On May 4, 2017, our RTG colleague Elias Güthlein (Rhetoric) presented a paper together with Professor Hartmut Stöckl (Salzburg) dealing with the topic of enigmatic advertisements. Professor Stöckl, whose research interests include (among others) multimodal advertising strategies, opened the talk with his presentation on “Ambiges, Vages, Enigmatisches – Multimodales Verrätseln als rhetorische Strategie in der Printwerbung“. Stöckl discussed four theoretical approaches to decoding multimodally ambiguous adverts and concluded that “verbal-visual cognitive riddles“ (Stöckl 2014:98) can be described with the three catchwords „visually rich, layered, and abstruse“ (Bulmer/Buchanan-Oliver 2006: 50). Elias Güthlein continued the tandem talk with his presentation on „Rhetorisches und aenigmatisches Ambiguieren am Beispiel von Werbeanzeigen“ and decoded an enigmatic advertisment as printed by the FAZ.
