

Would you like to get involved in social, cultural or environmental contexts in parallel with your studies? Or are you already active and would like to have your civic engagement recognized for your studies?
The “EngagemenTransfer” format is specially tailored to the individual forms of non-profit activities of students. Whether it is a voluntary internship, an intermittent, short or long-term civic engagement - EngagemenTransfer provides the opportunity to have your work acknowledged. Bachelor students can earn credit points for their civic engagement within the framework of the transdisciplinary competencies module (min. 4 CP up to max. 10 CP).
In addition, EngagemenTransfer can be counted as one of the three units of the “Civic Engagement” certificate. In this format, you combine experiences from your engagement with academic knowledge - in the spirit of Service-Learning, the purposeful combination of academic learning and civic engagement. With the help of accompanying reflection classes (2 CP), your practical experience will be transferred into the university experience.

What to do?

1. Engagement (min. 2 CP - max. 8 CP) - Action!

In the first module, you independently organize a social, cultural or ecological commitment within a public or private institution amounting to at least 60 time hours (= 2 CP). A maximum of 240 time hours (=8 CP) can be credited.

To be sure, your engagement is eligible for credit, please fill out the credit check survey on the learning platform ILIAS.

Please note: We have to make sure that the primary focus of your activity is not on a possible salary, but on voluntary engagement. However, you may of course receive an expense allowance. According to our guidelines(§3, Nr. 26 EstG) this may amount to up to €3,000 per year.

For the creation of your certificate of participation for "EngagemenTransfer", you must submit a certificate of the activity performed (tasks, period and hours). Please feel free to use our handout for this. This certificate must be issued by the institution and should also include a contact address for queries. Beyond that, the certificate does not require any special form.

2. Reflection of your engagement (2 CP) - Knowledge and Skills

In the second module, you attend our reflection workshop. You will reflect on your own civic engagement with a view to the added value you have been able to extract for yourself and with regard to your contribution to society. You will develop a theoretical approach to the topic of civic engagement by reading and discussing selected relevant texts. Through the conception of a science-based reflection report you will learn the transfer between theory and practice (20,000 characters incl. spaces, approx. 10 pages).

Certificate of Participation - (4-10 Credit Points)

Upon successful completion of Modules 1 & 2, you will receive an ungraded certificate of attendance (Schein) for the interdisciplinary area worth 4-10 CP (depending on the level of engagement).

Ideas for engagement opportunities

Diakonisches Werk Tübingen

Diakonie Deutschland - Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e. V. is the welfare organization of the Protestant churches. Diakonie Deutschland's social work is aimed at all people, regardless of their religious affiliation.

Volunteering Options
The areas of responsibility are diverse and can be individually tailored. Some tasks are remunerated with a lump sum.
These include:

  • Realization of own ideas and projects on the topics of refuge, migration and integration
  • Social work with women and children in the initial reception center in Tübingen, e.g., sports courses, creative courses, music courses, medical education courses, educational games
  • Collaboration in the organization of events on the topics of refuge and migration
  • Collaboration in the new project on disoriented living

Acquisition of competences
This commitment raises awareness of and enables engagement with refugees and people in need of help in society as a whole. Competences can be (further) developed in the following areas:

  • Social and intercultural skills
  • Counseling
  • Dealing with overarching socio-political issues
  • Gaining experience of an intercultural field of action


  • Openness, joy and motivation

Training and support

  • Comprehensive introduction to the field of activity
  • Regular exchange through support meetings and possible individual discussions

Janina Coronel-Zähringer, representative for church-diaconal refugee work
Janina.coronel-zaehringerspam prevention@elk-wue.de

Europa macht Schule e. V.

Europa macht Schule e. V. (EmS) is the parent organization of all volunteers at the EmS locations. Young people from all over Germany are committed to promoting European exchange on a nationwide level and organize the association's work together with the DAAD.  

The goal of "Europa macht Schule" is to get young people in particular enthusiastic about Europe and to promote cultural exchange between European citizens, but also between Europeans and people of other cultures.  

"Europa macht Schule" brings Europe into the classroom.   

International students from all over the world work together with students on a project related to Europe in their home country. This is carried out in the respective school. In this way, the children and young people get to know the neighboring European countries in a creative and playful way and experience a piece of Europe in a personal way. As mini ambassadors, international students have the opportunity to present their home country and at the same time immerse themselves in the reality of life in Germany.    

Are you studying at the University of Tübingen and would like to stand up for the unity and diversity of Europe? Then volunteer for the Europa macht Schule site team Tübingen-Reutlingen and support the team in recruiting students, organizing the get-to-know-you meeting, public relations etc.  

Are you an international student at the University of Tübingen? Then carry out a project with European relevance in a German classroom.   

You can find all information on the website of the association.    

In the following videos all important information is summarized briefly and concisely:    

Video for site work: https://youtu.be/bYhdLPCKr0U

Video for international students: https://youtu.be/NRjaocoNvEs

Volunteer probation officers

Volunteer probation officers make a valuable contribution to the reintegration of people in conflict with the criminal law into our society. This makes them an important pillar in crime prevention and actively protects victims.

Volunteer probation officers are prepared at the BGBW through special training and later find support from their team leader, a full-time probation officer with additional qualifications. Their task is characterized by a high degree of personal responsibility and, like the full-time probation officers, they are obliged to comply with quality standards.

Volunteer probation officers look after two to a maximum of five clients at the same time. They use personal strengths and knowledge for the benefit of their clients and draw on the wealth of experience they have gained in their lives. They often have a local network of contacts and can mediate in a targeted manner regionally.

Please find further information at the BGBW website.

Contact: Ehrenamt.Reutlingenspam prevention@bgbw.bwl.de


FAIRstrickt - the network for fair textiles, human rights and climate justice

Who is FAIRstrickt?

The FAIRstrickt network is a platform for all those who are committed to sustainability and human rights. Its aim is to raise awareness of problematic developments in the textile industry, shed light on related issues and support local activists in Tübingen in their work. FAIRstrickt works with people in / from the Global South to make their working and living realities visible.

What is learned/worked on?
The students and volunteers have the opportunity to

  • contribute and implement their own action & event ideas on the topic of "fair textiles, fair trade" or work in a supportive capacity
  • help organize public events
  • exchange ideas and network with other activists.

In this way, they can:

  • gain and deepen knowledge of development policy issues, global contexts and political participation
  • acquire skills in educational and public relations work and project coordination.

Students and volunteers benefit from the broad network of local and global human rights groups in which FAIRstrickt is embedded.

Whom to contact, if you are interested?
Hanna Smitmans
fairstricktspam prevention@werkstadthaus.de

Female Fellows Tübingen

The association Female Fellows e.V. is currently particularly committed to empowering women with refugee and migration experience. Under the motto "Behind every strong woman there are strong women", we would like to contribute to fempowerment and thus to a society that lives its diversity and in which everyone has an equal say. Encounters are the key to an inspiring, helping, open and horizon-broadening relationship with one another.

The Female Fellows tandem project connects women with and without refugee and migration experience. In this voluntary integration project, women with refugee and migration experience are supported, for example, in learning the language, dealing with authorities, in everyday life and in training and integration in the German labor market. This creates friendships, an exciting exchange between different cultures and lots of fun. Due to the high demand, we now offer our tandem project not only in Stuttgart, but also in Bietigheim-Bissingen and, brand new, in Tübingen. We are looking for suitable tandem partners for all registered women. Local women can broaden their cultural horizons and in return support other women. In additional monthly group events, the tandems can exchange ideas and take part in exciting events.
Why by women for women? To a much greater extent than for men, the success of women's integration depends on the family situation. The woman is directly responsible for the well-being of the family, whether due to a culturally determined division of tasks or due to organizational circumstances. The needs of women, their language acquisition or access to the labor market are therefore often neglected. Their access to existing integration offers is therefore often difficult. Women play a key role in integration! Their will and willingness to integrate is not only decisive for their own success, but for the integration success of the entire family. They are often highly motivated, especially with regard to the welfare and success of their children. These women have the potential, capacity and ability to act! It's about using the potential of women, making them strong and encouraging them to shape their lives in Germany with self-confidence.

Fields of application:

  • Orgateam (tandem support, data science, social media/public relations, finance/fundraising, events, international relations)
  • Tandem (support other women individually as a "local")
  • Own project (possible in consultation with the Service-Learning of the University of Tübingen)

→ Time required individually, but at least 1-2 hours/week

More info: femalefellows.com

Internationale Begegnung in Gemeinschaftsdiensten e. V. (IBG)

The association "Internationale Begegnung in Gemeinschaftsdiensten e. V.", IBG for short, was founded in 1965.

According to their motto "...peacing the world together!" IBG wants to empower young people worldwide to contribute to a more peaceful world. Their mission: volunteering in international workcamps is not only a valuable and unforgettable experience, but also a learning opportunity for all of us. At a work camp, young people from all over the world come together to volunteer on a community service project for 2 to 3 weeks. There are a wide variety of projects in the areas of nature and environmental protection, construction and renovation, archaeology or in the social and artistic fields. Since 2022, IBG has had a special focus on forest and peatland protection projects with the campaign "Let's take action for climate protection - Anpacken für Wälder und Moor".
Participation in their volunteer projects are open to all young people, regardless of their origin, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or social background, income, education, religion and beliefs, physical and health conditions or limitations. They are therefore committed to equal rights and equal opportunities and expect fairness and respect from all participants in their projects.

Students from all disciplines can get involved as group leaders. They work together with the international volunteers in a non-profit project and take on various coordination tasks. IBG prepares them for this in a training course for future group leaders. It is also possible to get involved in international work camps run by their partner organizations abroad. Along the way, students acquire skills in project coordination in intercultural teams on site, become confident in conflict situations and assume responsibility for themselves and others.

More information
on potential projects
on group leader trainings
on the multi-month training "Kompetenz international"

for projects in Germany: projektespam prevention@ibg-workcamps.org
for projects abroad outgoingspam prevention@ibg-workcamps.org


The Lern-Café-Tübingen is a project of the association menschlichkeit-ulm e.V., which takes place in the Tübingen region.
In the Lern-Café, people of all nations receive tutoring tailored to their level. The Lern-Café is intended to support immigrants in language courses, at vocational school and on their way to university. The Lern-Café offers its services both online and on site. The learning meetings take place in tandems of two.


  • You determine the times of the online tutoring flexibly with your student. For optimal learning progress, however, we recommend at least one meeting per week.
  • On-site tutoring takes place every Tuesday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


  • The online tutoring takes place via the Zoom platform.
  • On-site tutoring takes place at Café Sozial (Derendinger Straße 50, 72072 Tübingen).

Time commitment: 1-2 hours/week.

IMPORTANT: You can support both offers or choose one of the two formats. You will then receive instruction from us and be assigned a student who matches your knowledge. You will also get a contact person from our team who will support you if you have any questions during your engagement.

Would you like to support people in learning in a subject of your choice?
Just send us an email to:
lerncafe.tuebingenspam prevention@menschlichkeit-ulm.de 
Contact person: Mr. Amer Alabdallah; Mrs. Oula Mahfouz.

myBuddy - simply.growing.together

Join the non-profit social start-up myBuddy and work with myBuddy to create a Society 5.0 with unity in diversity!

The start-up was founded in early 2021 with the aim of strengthening the coexistence between all cultures in our country. To make this a reality, they develop programs that promote intercultural exchange nationwide. In the flagship program "myBuddy Friendship", people from different cultures are networked with one another using a smart matching algorithm. With this and other modern formats and digital solutions, the young team would like to create a Society 5.0; a society of the future in which the potential of cultural diversity for innovation, creativity and progress will be developed into a common strength for Germany.

At myBuddy you have the opportunity to make an effective contribution to this social change and to play a key role in shaping the growth process of the young social start-up. At the same time, you will gain exciting insights into the diverse processes of a dynamic, modern social enterprise, for example in the areas of platform construction & web development, social media marketing, cooperation management, social business strategy and more. Wherever your strengths lie: if you stand behind myBuddy's mission, the start-up is looking for your creative ideas!

Do you also want to help shape a sustainable society? If you are interested, please contact infospam prevention@my-buddy.org and send your résumé, your availability and briefly describe your motivation and relevant skills for myBuddy.

Visit myBuddy's website and subscribe to the newsletter to find out more about the activities:
Homepage: www.my-buddy.org
Newsletter: www.my-buddy.org/newsletter-anmeldung

Ecological children and youth camps

Would you like to look after an ecologically sustainable holiday camp and enjoy working with children and young people?
The working group for ecological children's and young people's leisure time offers at Pentecost, in summer and occasionally in winter for children, young people and young adults many different leisure activities in Germany and throughout Europe: leisure activities, camps, intercultural encounters, adventure holidays, holiday care, kayaking, cycling or trekking tours and much more.

This is us
We are a colorful bunch of team members, mostly between the ages of 16 and 27. We are supported in the background by an office team of 6 full-time employees based in Bempflingen at the BDP BaWü, and together we organize ecological and grassroots-democratic leisure activities. Our activities are self-organized, non-commercial, ecologically sustainable and open to anyone interested. You will receive support and training for all preparations and questions relating to leisure time.

To ensure that everything runs smoothly and responsibly at the camps, as a team leader you will complete a youth group leader training course and a first aid course. We will cover the costs for you. You will then be issued with a youth leader card. You can also get fit for your free time with us at kayaking, cooking, games education, trekking seminars and other things. In most cases, we will cover the costs incurred as well as travel expenses for you! Here you get an overview.

Fill out this form to express your interest, enter the keyword EngagemenTransfer and we will get in touch with you. Feel free to call us (07123/360 65 65) or write an email to infospam prevention@ak-freizeiten.de.

We offer

  • Assumption of the costs for training and further education seminars
  • Youth leader card
  • Reimbursement of travel expenses
  • Confirmation of voluntary commitment (e.g. for applications)
  • Lots of fun, experience and excitement
  • Many possibilities to implement your own ideas and wishes
  • Experiences in child and youth work in Germany and abroad
  • Inexpensive adventure weekends from kayaking, camping, to trekking weekends.
  • Experience in leading groups and acquisition of the famous 'soft skills'
  • Crediting of 2-10 CP for your studies

You can find more information about being a teamer with us on our website.


SOS MEDITERRANEE is a European humanitarian organization for sea rescue in the Mediterranean. The organization's three goals are to save lives, protect & accompany and bear witness. We work in a European network with teams in France, Italy, Switzerland and Germany. With our rescue ships Aquarius (2016 - 2018) and Ocean Viking (since July 2019), a professional rescue crew and a medical team, we are deployed in the central Mediterranean, where people are fleeing the most serious human rights violations on unseaworthy boats.

In our team in Germany, we mainly work on fundraising, communication and advocacy. We are looking for people who are interested in communication topics and political work. There are various ways to get involved with us:

  • Create social media content
  • Write articles on various topics related to our work, which can be also published on our website. You are welcome to make your own suggestions for interesting topics.
  • Conduct content research on topics such as the Libyan/Tunisian coast guard, GEAS or other political topics.

We offer an introduction to the topic of search and rescue in the central Mediterranean and of course provide you with technical support for your work.

You can see and experience how an NGO communications team works. You can also contribute your own ideas -
Is there an aspect of civil sea rescue that particularly interests you?
Do you know a lot about a particular topic?
Or perhaps you are interested in journalism and would like to write a guest article in the local media to provide more information about civil sea rescue?
Together we can develop a concept on how you can best get involved. If you have other ideas, we are of course also open to them!

Julia Leithäuser
+4930 863 283 980

https://www.sosmediterranee.de/  (German office)
https://www.sosmediterranee.org (General information in English)

Sprungbrett Bildung e. V.

With mentoring, we support youths in overcoming social hurdles!

Do you agree that we urgently need to do something for fair educational opportunities? That it can't be that a child's background determines how much success he or she has throughout life? YES? Good, because we agree with that opinion!

What do we do?

  • Promote the personal and academic development of our students
  • Overcome social and language barriers
  • Promote social skills
  • Long-term 1:1 mentoring
  • Community activities (e.g., field trips, educational opportunities, network meetings)
  • Voluntary commitment to fair educational opportunities and social cohesion

How can you participate?

  • Mentor a young person between 12 and 16 years (once a week 1,5h)
  • Organize exciting excursions and events
  • Develop the association (e.g., external presentation, fundraising, recruiting)

What do we offer you?

  • Individually unique relationship with your mentee
  • Networking and cooperation with motivated students from different cultures
  • Great events (e.g., a weekend in a mountain hut together)
  • A fun change from the daily routine of studying
  • Students at the University of Tübingen can receive between 2 (60 hours) and 7 credit points (210 hours) for their involvement with Sprungbrett Bildung e. V.

This is how you can reach us!

  • Just get in touch via WhatsApp, Mail or Instagram
  • Get to know students & mentees (e.g., weekly on Wednesdays 2pm in presence or Wednesday evenings 8pm online via Zoom)
  • Get involved freely & flexibly

+49 15738209935

Tübinger Erbe Lauf

The run was founded in 1994 as the Tübinger Stadtlauf. In 2012, it was renamed the Tübinger Erbe Lauf after the main sponsor Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH.

The basic idea of the run, to combine popular sport with top-class sport and to bring the enthusiasm for running to the city, is still upheld. The event offers competitions for different target and age groups, such as integrated races for pupil and a handbike race. The course leads through Tübingen's old town and attracts thousands of people to the city every year on the third weekend in September.

The race is organised by the Tübingen Athletics Association (Leichtathletikvereinigung (LAV) Tübingen).

We offer initial practical work experience in the organisation of a complex sporting event. There are numerous opportunities to get involved in the conception, planning, realisation and evaluation of the event, whereby a scope of minimum 60 hours is envisaged and the period can be determined individually.

Become part of the organisation team and help make the next Tübinger Erbe Lauf a successful and unforgettable event for everyone involved!

Information about the event can be found on the website: www.tuebinger-erbe-lauf.de

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Contact: erbe-laufspam prevention@lav-tuebingen.de

Tübingen (Young) Table

Tons of food is destroyed every day in Germany, even though there are millions of people who are lacking in elementary food. Here is the task of the Tübinger Tafel e. V. As an exclusively donation-financed, non-profit social organization, it has set itself the goal of saving food with volunteers and making it available to people in need. With a driver service with 40 employees and 2 vehicles five days a week, the employees of the food bank still collect high-quality food that would otherwise end up in the garbage, among other things. at supermarkets and bakeries in Tübingen and the surrounding area. These groceries are prepared, checked, and then distributed to socially and economically disadvantaged people on 4 days a week for a symbolic amount of € 2 per adult.

For some time now, in addition to the older volunteers, younger ones have also been involved. During this social engagement, students can learn more about the tasks of the table, such as saving food, volunteering and helping socially disadvantaged people. They are used in the areas of driving service, preparation and sales and are each trained in detail. In addition, information such as on occupational health and safety, food safety, special requirements in the driving service, data protection and the general Equal Opportunities Act AGG. In this way, students in this area get to know the basics of independent and responsible action. A high proportion of young employees is a great advantage for the work of the Tafel, for example for the reliable implementation of daily work, spontaneous help and the youthful vigor in the teams.
In addition, students can work at the Young Table. They can advocate sustainable and ecological food use, environmental protection and social justice in our society. With targeted appearances and projects, regionally relevant social issues and imbalances in particular are to be made public. The Young Tübinge Table wants to make the work of the table better known among young people and to make the concerns of the table more perceptible in politics and in the associations. Students could also acquire credit points for this, because the Young Tübinge Table is recognized as a university group.
Further information can be found at https://www.tuebingertafel.de/mitarbeit.
For more information, please contact:
vorbereitungspam prevention@tuebingertafel.de or  jungespam prevention@tuebingertafel.de

VLW Juniorteam

The VLW junior team is looking for YOU!

It doesn't matter if you're a rookie or a pro in volunteering, we just want dedicated volleyball enthusiasts.

What does a junior team do?

With us you get the opportunity to learn your skills in the areas of social media, public relations and project management in exciting workshops. You can bring your own ideas and implement them in projects. And get a look behind the scenes of our sport at events. What is still missing here are your ideas.

You will be looked after by a VLW employee, but you are also your own boss. We propose project ideas, but you decide what happens :)

What do I learn in the junior team?

You will learn a lot in a junior team, especially to promote volleyball with like-minded people while having fun and to make it younger and modern. We also give you the opportunity to acquire key skills such as project management, public relations and strategy development. You can get to know your strengths and potentials and take on responsibility. The junior team members are taken seriously and make a difference through their actions. You get the opportunity to participate in the sports association's committees and you can also get to know possible career paths as a functionary in the VLW.


You can find all further information at: www.vlw-online.de/juniorteam

You can contact us at: juniorteam@vlw-online.de or 0711-28077-677.

Wissenschaftsladen Tübingen e.V.

The Wissenschaftsladen Tübingen (Science Shop Tübingen) is a non-profit association dedicated to documenting and communicating scientific topics in a way that is accessible to people and thus acts as a science agency. We offer many services related to this. Within the fields of activity, the focus is currently on the areas of education for sustainable development and pollutant consulting.

The Wissenschaftsladen acts as a point of contact for citizens that is non-profit, independent of interest groups, and yet offers expert advice and information as some of its key activities.

Wissenschaftsladen Tübingen e.V.
4, 72070 Tübingen
Tel.: 07071 - 252219
E-Mail: infospam prevention@wila-tuebingen.de


Current Workshop

CitizenKnowledge - Citizen Science?! The example of "clothing”

Citizens have a lot of experience from their everyday life, profession, and engagement. However, this (experiential) knowledge is often not taken into account, e.g. in political decisions. Yet, society could benefit greatly if the experience and knowledge of citizens were combined with the expertise of professional science. The term "citizen science" was coined for such approaches. The Tübinger Wissenschaftsladen, as a member association in the environmental center, makes it possible to combine experiential knowledge and professional expertise. One’s personal research for causes of problems can thus be linked with options for action from a scientific point of view.

In 2023, we want to deal with the topic of "clothing and consumption" and specifically with the entire life cycle: from raw materials, production and processing to disposal. We support students - as well as interested citizens - in implementing their CitizenScience projects. In preparation, we will work together on theoretical questions and the goals of the planned project. This will require several meetings spread over several weeks. In the subsequent practical phase, each member of our group can choose his or her own focus, join forces with others of the same interest, conduct research, visit clothing stores, for example, to find out about quality labels and critically examine them. The latter can also take several weeks, depending on the project and the participants' own capacities. Until the end of 2023, however, new interested people can join us at any time!

Wissenschaftsladen e.V., Sunhild von Carlowitz, Gerhard Wax, Thomas von Schell

Location: Environmental Center, Kronenstr. 4, 72070 Tübingen, Germany

Further information and registration by email: info@wila-tuebingen.de or via the website