As a student member of the University of Tübingen, you will receive a student e-mail address via the IT Center (ZDV).
Your email address will be composed as follows: givenname.familynamespam
This email address is generated automatically and will be sent to you by Student Administration as soon as possible after enrolment (registration of your enrolment application in our IT system).
For legal reasons, the University of Tübingen may use this email address only to email you. It is therefore not possible for us to save your private email address in the student database or use it to contact you.
The University of Tübingen uses this student email address to send important notifications. These include, in particular, notices of dates from Student Administration and the examination offices, notifications from the faculties and institutes regarding changes to courses and information on University events of all kinds.
In your own interest, please check your e-mail account regularly.
You can access your emails worldwide via the ZDV Webmailer, here: erreichen.
Further information on configuring your mail program may be found in the IT Center’s FAQ
You can redirect emails from it to any other email account.
However, you then bear the responsibility if emails are delayed or lost.
Access to electronic services after de-registration
You will still have access to ALMA and the student email address for six weeks after the de-registration date. The ZDV will then inform you by email a few days before the expiry date about the binding end date. After this date, access is no longer possible and your stored data will be deleted.
On the other hand, you only have access to many external services that the university charges for until the date of de-registration. After this date, access will be blocked without further notice.
The examiners and examination offices have access to the student data even after de-registration and can then continue to record achievements, issue ToR and certificates.
Notes on further information
• ZDV/ IT Center User Regulations (in German)
• Overview of ZDV services including FAQ
If you have queries, please contact: Beratungspam
In the event that your enrolment is terminated, you will still be able to access your student e-mail address for four weeks. You will then be informed by the IT Center/ZDV in good time by e-mail when exactly your access will be blocked.
If you have forgotten your password and/or your LoginID, please contact the Registrar's Office in writing. You will then receive the necessary new access data by post.