If you are enroled at the University of Tübingen, have not yet finished your degree, and plan to continue your studies next semester, you must re-enroll within the designated re-enrollment period.
The details required for re-enrollment are sent to all students’ University e-mail accounts when the re-enrolment period begins. The re-enrollment period is usually
June 1 – August 15 for re-enrollment in the following winter semester
January 15 –February 15 for re-enrollment in the following summer semester.
You may pay your re-enrollment fees by bank transfer to the following account:
Baden-Württembergische Bank unselbstständige Anstalt der Landesbank Baden-Württemberg
Kleiner Schlossplatz 11, 70173 Stuttgart
International bank transfers:
BIC: SOLADEST600 and IBAN: DE29 6005 0101 7477 5036 21
The transfer must be accompanied by your enrollment number – nothing else.
Fees must be paid into the University account by the end of the re-enrollment period. Fees paid after the closing date will incur a fine of €10.
After re-enrolling, you can extend the validity of your chipcard (adding the new semester to the card) at the terminals available.
You can check your current target and actual amounts at any time under ALMA. There you will also receive all certificates as PDF files after the re-enrollment.
If you fail to re-enrol for the winter semester by September 30 or for the summer semester by March 31, and you have not canceled your enrolment (exmatrikulieren) or registered an official leave of absence your enrollment will be canceled by the University.