
attempto online – Research


Greek archaeology started a quarter of a million years earlier than thought: 700.000 years old site found

Paleoanthropologist Katerina Harvati was part of survey and geoarchaeological research at…

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Beethoven’s genome offers clues to composer’s health and family history

Ludwig van Beethoven’s genome has been sequenced for the first time by an international team of…

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How the gut microbiome can help predict cancer immunotherapies

Transatlantic research group uncovers possible link between gut microbiota and cancer immunotherapy…

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Basic research for better treatment methods in psychotherapy

The psychologist and neuroscientist Dr Marie-Luise Schreiter advocates closer cooperation between…

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ERC Consolidator Grants for two Tübingen researchers

Grants go to AI researcher Jakob Macke and neuroscientist Tobias Kaufmann

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