
Press Releases - Archive


University of Tübingen launches refugee course

Two semester of intense language & intercultural training will prepare new arrivals for studies in…

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Teeth vs. tools – Neandertals and Homo sapiens had different dietary strategies

Tübingen University palaeoanthropologist examines worn teeth to show behavioral differences between…

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How the brain learns to come up with nothing

Tübingen neuroscientists discover brain processes which lead to the concept of “zero” on the number…

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China Center Tübingen inaugurated

Karl Schlecht Foundation backs new institute researching culture of Chinese world – Focus on…

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Microplastics harm freshwater fauna

Tübingen and Berlin researchers show that plastic pollution limits the mobility of water fleas

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Tübingen Theologian joins German Ethics Council

Speaker of the Bundestag appoints Franz-Josef Bormann, professor of Moral Theology

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[Translate to Englisch:] Im Experiment mindern Mikroplastikteilchen die Mobilität von Wasserflöhen stark

[Translate to Englisch:] Forscher untersuchen, welche Auswirkungen die zunehmende Verschmutzung mit…

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Research network aims at finding answers to unsolved questions on short-sightedness

Biophysicists bring coveted doctoral research network to the University of Tübingen for the third…

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