
Press Releases - Archive


Cannibalism among late Neandertals in northern Europe

Tübingen researchers in international team uncover grisly evidence that Neandertals butchered their…

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A Sense of Direction in the Brain: Seeing the Inner Compass

Head direction cells in rodents are directly connected with other neuronal structures used in…

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Humans are not the only ones who produce halogenated organic pollutants

Tübingen geomicrobiologists show that many bacteria and fungi in soil make organohalogens

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How a germ catches a virus

Scientists from Tübingen investigate the recognition mechanism between phage Phi11 and certain…

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Newly-discovered signal in the cell sets protein pathways to mitochondria

Tübingen researchers investigate the complex makeup of vital cell organelles

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Neue Emmy Noether-Forschungsgruppe zur Kombination bildgebender Verfahren

Der Physiker Hans Wehrl wirbt Förderung für eigenständige Arbeitsgruppe am Werner Siemens Imaging…

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Big cities have greater tolerance of migrants

University of Tübingen study shows xenophobia spreads most in places there are fewest migrants

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Fellowship for Syrian archaeologist

Humboldt initiative sponsors Professor Ammar Abdulrahman to research in Tübingen

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