
Press Releases - Archive


Meteorite strikes made life on Earth possible

University of Tübingen research team shows that a significant amount of the Earth´s water and carbon…

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Coastal marine sediments contribute to the formation of greenhouse gases

University of Tübingen research team investigates microbial and chemical processes as a natural…

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Archaeologists document the oldest known forerunners of fresco paintings in the Mediterranean region

Researchers from the Universities of Beirut and Tübingen have analyzed 4000-year-old murals in a…

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Tübingen successful in the Excellence Strategy

University now has continued Excellence status and funding to 2026

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Earliest known Homo sapiens in Eurasia found in Greece

Universities of Tübingen and Athens researchers identify 210,000-year old modern human skull

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Women on corporate boards are good for business

University of Tübingen study finds women in the boardroom reduce risk and are good for the value of…

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Archaeologists uncover palace of the Mittani Empire in the Duhok province of the Kurdistan Region/ Iraq

German-Kurdish research team came upon a surprising discovery as ruins emerge from the waters of the…

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CIVIS, A European Civic University Alliance, selected as pilot project by the European Commission

CIVIS, alliance of 8 universities, is proud to receive the opportunity to contribute fully to the…

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